We are living in advance era where people have very less time to take care about external problems.As a meter of fact we are focusing on internal well beings instead of external.This is the main reason that there are man
In this modern life, people are using multiple products and goods which leads to creating a big amount of garbage that will affect the environment. The government will need to have a sort of plan to minimize the amount o
Modern society is generating an increasing amount of waste because factories produce a lot of products in high demand without the opportunity to recycle. Waste management has become one of the pressing issues both in dev
In most of the world, global warming is rapid to increase in currently, mostly reasons to people abandoning rubbish quantity raising day by day. In this essay, I will discuss a view of the points below.
Rubbish has been produced much more than before. There are a few possible reasons for the change that should be corrected. Hence, governments are expected to deal with the problem related to waste production actively.
The world we live today is overfloading with wastes. Such issues have resulted from large wastes produced by large coorperations, including our overusage of single use plastics. This essay would further discuss on why th
From the past to today, especially the last three decades have witnessed negative cases, such as the over pollution in lakes or terrestrials. One of the most remarkable reasons is human-induced waste and the highest shar
The population growth accelerates dramatically. Proportionally, the number of waste products around the globe relatively will affect the lifespan of the ecosystem. In this essay, I will demonstrate the reasons impacting
Nowadays, with growing communities, the way of consuming material has been changed by individuals. New chemical materials have been produced by the fastest-growing technology. In time with that, the amount of rubbish has
Nowadays, with growing communities the way of consumption material have been changed by individuals. New chemical materials have produced by fastest-growing technology. In time with that, the amount of rubbish has increa
Disposing of debris has been a huge problem for society, since there are no proper measures to discharge the waste. This essay will discuss about the inefficiency of disposal and how it can be resolved by taking various
The gradual increase in producing rubbish and releasing it to either the atmosphere or to dumping stations has become a consistent talking point in recent years. Releasing rubbish in the shape of production waste or sim
The garbage producation is incerasing continuously with industrial revolution and technological development. This essay will discuss about effect of industrialization on eco-system and also suggest regulations to be impo
The amount of garbage that is created by people has been increasing lately. In this essay, I will analyze the reasons for this trend and attempt to provide solutions for governments to tackle this issue.
The two maps illustrate how the road access to a city hospital, which is located on the north of a city road, changed during a 3-year period from 2900 to1000.
In this modern world, industries are competing to invent new products as a result many unusable materials are popping up. Government has to control waste products and proper waste management in order to maintain our envi