IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary era, a number of people are moving overseas with their families. Some individuals believe that it creates a positive impact for the children, whereas others state that it results in difficulties for
Some people argue that studying abroad for children has negative effects relating to their development of emotions, but my view of this topic is that it could be a good chance for them to learn something new and broaden
The opinion below discusses how would children feel about their family specifically for parents who work abroad, far away from homeland. Do they suffer? or Is it good for them to have enermous experience living abroad?
In this contemporary epoch, the idea of immigration to different nations has been gaining ground recently. Whilist proponents hold the view that this move could have a positive impact on offsprings, opponents have a dive
These days, more and more people moving to developed countries where they can provide better education for their children as well as become financially independent. Moreover, individuals get so many benefits in developed
At present, there is a wide range of the population who holds the view that children will receive more benefits if their family move to another country, whereas other groups of people argue that it needs a long time for
there are several parents to prefer immigrate to other countries becuase it seems to them, there are highly beneficial for children. in contrast, some parents have a negative attitude towards about this subject and they
There has been widespread debate in recent years concerning whether moving families to foreign countries is beneficial or harmful for their children. The majority of individuals claim that it should be advantageous for y
It is true that pristine environments which have not been discovered before are becoming prevalent with travelers and several experiments. From my perspective, this methodology has a detrimental effect on humans because
Nowadays, the world is interconnected more than ever before. As a result, more and more people are migrating to another country as a means to get a better life condition. Although this might be true, some people think th
Over the past years, it became a tendency that many families are migrating to other countries with different intentions. A small proportion of the population argues that there are lots of advantages for their children o
Moving to another country can gain a better life than the present,Some people believe that if families moving to another country will have advantages for children while others believe that it can gain more disadvantages
In this contemporary epoch, migrating from any country to a well-developed country is very common. However, there has been a controversy among people regarding peoples' migration from one country to another; numerous peo
In this 21st century , tourism has immensely contributed in the economy of particular nation where some people reckon that children of these types of families suffer because of this but others think that it has some posi
Migration is general tend over the world.although people are moving to different countries for various purpose,sometimes they move with family member and intend to live there.However,few individuals believe the trend of
In the midst of this technology-driven global world,migrating with family to a foreign country for a better lifestyle is a common phenomenon.Some schools of thought believe that offspring have benefited from these migrat
In my country, studying abroad since childhood is now very popular because many parents do not like our education system.While moving to different countries may be a better place for your children's education, they can f
In our current situation, a lot of citizens from different nations go abroad for job opportunities which make some believe that the children will bear the consequences of that, while there are also other people who were
Currently, Migration has become a trend for this generation. It is often believed that most of the peoples are shifting to other nations to give advantages to their kids whereas others feel that kids may find difficultie
Change is inevitable, communities are now relocating to a different neighbourhood, some people claim this is favourable for children while another section believes it's difficult for children to cope up in the new locati
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