IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, people prefer to shift from native to a foreign country for job opportunities. Some people assert that children of these families suffer a lot. However, others assume that it has benefits for them. In this es
International immigration of whole families are quite common nowadays, and the effects of this on offspring is questionable. Whereas some may argue that this movement could be more advantageous for the development of the
Nowadays, many families choose to migrate to foreign countries for settlement or a better life. Moving abroad may be beneficial to children but it can also cause the young to have plenty of difficulties. This essay will
Some group of people are moving themselves and their family to oversea. Some people believe that kids can get more advantage however another group of people believe that it is more challenging for kids if family move abo
In these days, a lot of people are moving to a new country to look for work. It is argued by some that the children may suffer to adapt to the new environment, while others believe that this way of life will be beneficia
In these days, a lot of people are moving to a new country to look for work. It is argued by some that the children may suffer to adapt to the new environment, while others believe that this way of life will be beneficia
Nowadays, many people choose to move to another country in search of work. It is argued by some that it is disadvantageous for children of these families as they often have to adapt new environment, while others believe
People have contrasting views, whether migrating overseas are beneficial for the children or not. According to some individuals, children might face acclimatization problems with that relocating. In my opinion, it is adv
The trend of migrating to the more developed nations is on the rise, where the question on whether it is beneficial or hard for the children has always been argued. There are valid explanations for either side, however i
These days, many people prefer to relocate to another country owing to better work opportunities there. Although most people believe that children of such families get affected in many ways, others, however, think that r
These days, many people prefer to relocate to another country owing to better work opportunites there. Although most people believe that children of such families get
There are split opinions regarding topic in present scenario abound individuals shift to different nation some masses believes that it is optimistic point for kids,where as another group of thinkers support it is tuff fo
A large number of families decide to move abroad, which can be beneficial to children while it is hard to handle.There are both merits and demerits to this decision, but I personally think that it will impact the childre
Nowadays many families like to relocate to different parts of the countries in order to have better quality education for children. While some believe there are few benefits to children, others argue that there are some
Migrating from one country to another for various reasons is one of the newest trends among people across the globe these days. Many individuals move with their spouses and children to which some people argue that it lea
Some people believe that it is difficult for children to migrate to other countries. Others, however, believe that it will be advantageous for children if families will move to other nation. In my view, moving to a forei
Moving abroad is being increasingly done by groups of people.Some of them think that this is beneficial, while others believe it to be difficult for their children.Shifting to another country is fruitful as it makes the
Some people think that it is beneficial for children when their parents relocate to other countries; however, others believe that it can affect minors negatively. Personally, I think that there are more benefits to mobin
There are different opinions with regard to the question of whether it is a positive or negative impact on children when families change the country of residence. The purpose of this essay is to analyse both perspectives
At the contemporary time, immigration has become quite frequent that several people prefer to work and reside overseas for better social and economic life. It is often argued by many of them that its outcome can impact
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