IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Spending more time with their children on homework is a hotly debated topic that divides opinion. Some people think that it brings many benefits for young generations and I totally agree with this argument
Parents are in a crucial position of affecting their children directly and it is acknowledged parenting is important in children’s development. So, I totally disagree with this statement. Of course, parents can help with
Parents are in a crucial position to affect their children directly, and it is being acknowledged that parenting is important. So, I totally disagree with this statement. Of course, parents can help with their kids’s hom
It is in parents` nature to be concerned about offsprings` general studies and marks. Due to this some might opine that assisting children to get done their home assignment is a great idea. I feel that assertion is true
It is said that parents need to allocate more time with their kids helping them to do homework. I totally disagree with this opinion. Helping children to finish their homework could increase lack of children’s independen
Spending enough time with children and helping their daily task is the responsibility of parents.This essay agrees with this statement because it makes a bright future and well personality being.
Children spend enough time with their parents, which assists them with their daily tasks. This essay agrees with this statement because kids get more opportunities in their education sector and learn new home activities.
Children spend enough time with their parents, which assists them with their daily tasks. This essay agrees with this statement because kids get more opportunities in their education sector and learn new home activities.
It’s commonly believed that parents are supposed to spend more time with their children to assist them in doing their homework. I agree with the opinion, that parents should take time to help their kids with academic ass
It’s commonly believed that parents supposed to spend more time with their children to assist them doing their homework. I agree with the opinion, parents should take times to help their kids on academic assignment. Beca
In the modern school curriculums, children get lots of homework which is becoming a huge problem for parents .In my opinion, parents should not invest time in helping children with their homework. However, parents should
Many individuals are convinced that parents require to assist in their children’s homework. I completely agree with this opinion because not only parents can assess their education level but also can increase the parent-
It is always argued that parents should spend more moments with their children helping them with their homework. I totally agree with the statement as it can keep eye on their study progress and improve the kid's overall
Caring for children is probably the most important thing in any society because it is commonly believed that parents should spend some quality time with their children helping them with their schoolwork. I totally agre
Children often time needs help with their assignments and parents should allot time in assisting them. I agree with this notion, as I believe this is a good venue to establish strong parent-child relationship and an oppo
Children often need help with their assignments, and parents should allocate time to assist them. I agree with this notion, as I believe this is a venue to establish a parent-child relationship and an opportunity to ass
Many individuals are convinced that mothers and fathers ought to assist their children with their home assignments. I strongly agree with this assertion due to helping juveniles with studies will make them more independ
It is argued, parents must spend more time with their juveniles to help them complete their homework. I agree with this view because it will make their relationship better, with their parents and also parents would know
Homework and home-related tasks are two crucial aspects of the educational systems in the developed countries. While some families are trying to involve their child's homeworks as much as possible, I completely disagree
In this rapidly changing world, lots of people reckon that more money and resources should be spent on the research of planet travelling and immigration. I strongly agree with this idea, and I think this tendency would p
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