IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In many nations, life-span of people is more longer than in the past. Some people say there are problems for government if countries have a dramatic increase in the proportion of people aged 60 over. Others say if increa
There is a popular opinion that the increasing in ages leave a significant drawbacks to the humanity, while others argue that the aging population could benefit for many fields such as service, quality of life. From my p
Due to the consecutive development of the standard of living, an average person’s lifespan is lengthened. However, it has led to the state of an ageing population which is considered either to cause issues for authoritie
Planet Earth is a diverse place in terms of nationalities and ages. On the one hand, some people think that ageing is a factor linked to major concerns and on the other hand, other counterparts of the society believe tha
In the modern world, people outlive. Some people argue that this tendency results in big issues. However, according to other individuals, ageing communities are generally beneficial to businesses, governments, and societ
There is little room for doubt that there has been staggering growth in the proportion of elderly people in many countries. In my opinion, I believe that this trend brings both advantages and disadvantages to society as
With many advancements in the technological revolution, people nowadays are able to find more ways to lengthen their life expectancy. To some, this brings about positive effects on many parts of our lives. However, the f
Many people believe that the longer lifespan of humans creates many thorny problems. Nevertheless, others suggest that this can also bring many benefits to business, government and society. This essay discusses both view
Many people believe that the aging population create thorny problem while other think this issue can good for business government and society. This essay may discuss my all points and feature my opinion.
People in this modern world are having a longer life expectancy, which opens questions as to whether this is advantageous or disadvantageous to society. This essay will discuss both sides of this argument and give my opi
In the present generation many people think longer life will leads to major issues. Whereas, some others felt that old people can generate more money by using their experience. By this essay I will discuss on age longevi
In the modernization of technology,new medical equipments lay a vital role in increasing the lifespan of older people. The old aged pupils' thoughts lead to national development as compared with huge problems associated
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