IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The world is full of the wealthy as well as the poorer nations and there are always debates on the topic of whether rich countries should provide financial aid to poor ones. Some people agree with the idea of sharing mon
Why are most people not satisfied with one job, and what changes occurred in the last decades? Humanity has seen significant development in the last century leading to a widespread of work opportunities available on the
Why are most people not satisfied with one Job, and what changes occurred in the last decades? Humanity have seen a significant development in the last century leading to a widespread of work opportunities available on t
The notion of establishing careers in multiple fields has been rampant in the recent past. It is argued that this trend will continue far into the future as the public keep learning better ways to earn more money and the
Parenting is not as simple as it may look. There is opinion that said parents must not dictate their children to choose a specific profession, and youngsters may have choose a career path they like on their own way. But
Young children have their own dream, so that parents should not force their children to choose what the parents want. Because it will affect the way how young children reach their target. I totally agree with this argume
many people believe that computer and internet technology have immensely helped the human race to progress but others opinion that it has more drawbacks than benefits.
In recent years many people prefer to spend their lives alone or with fiends rather than with their own families. This particular trend is impacting negatively on communities. I completely agree with this notion because
Having a career or two is totally depends on person to person. However, having a couple of income sources are always advantageous and one has to keep learning new skills to enhance it.
Nowadays, there are many different types of music in our world. Why music is listened by people. The traditional music is more important then the international. Some people argue that in traditional one is less important
Nowadays, following a single career path is no longer suitable for the economic situations of an individual. furthermore, Adapting to various careers of earning money will be the new fashion as every single minute is a n
In a developing country, it’s important to develop our knowledge about health, education and stock and the rich countries around the developing country should help them to improve those factors. Overall, I disagree enoug
Education is the most important thing to be learned by every child and it should not be restricted to academic lessons only but also in the behaviour field as well. One important stage in a child’s growth is certainly th
Many people believe that the idea of having a single career is no longer viable, instead one should strive to have multiple careers which can give you more freedom and multiple sources of earnings. Higher education is so
In some countries, students in the university could now be able to select their own subjects which resulted in the lacks of science knowledge among graduate students. In this essay, I will be discussing the causes and th
It is being considered outdated to have a specific course. Study should never end throughout life; one should have many careers to make money, as per the new movement.
It is being considered out dated to have a specific career. Education should never end throughout the life; one should have many careers to make money, as per new trend.
In this modern era, the living standards of people are changing rapidly in many ways. In the early ’90s, most individuals used to possess only one skill for their career, However, in this technologized world most individ
There is a political controversy about if rich communities have the responsibility to help the poor community or poor nations need to look after their own voter by themselves. In my opinion, an undeveloped society should
Work is essential to survive and takes a huge chunk of our lives. In the past, it was quite common to have one job for your entire life, however, time seems to be changing. I think having several earning streams will be
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