IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times, the idea of having only one occupation or means of income is getting outdated and non-sustainable. Meanwhile, the new trend is to have more than one career or means of income with continuous learning. Wi
There has been a controversial topic in which some parts of society believe that ‘fatherhood must be as important as much motherhood is’, however, some people think that ‘women should choose to have kids individually, an
Due to advancements in technology and evolving job opportunities, it is important that students choose the right professions that are relevant to the current market trends and demands. while some people believe that chil
There is no doubt that parenthood is a cumbersome task. In today's ,world both fathers and mothers find less time to spend with their children due to their busy work and increasing responsibilities. Whether the father or
Some people believe that developing nations should be provided aid in terms of goods and education by developed regions. However, other section of society says that it is the responsibility of the administration of those
In present times, an extensive variety of music exists in the world such as jazz and classical. It can be useful in numerous ways such as meditation, therapy and hobby. Besides, it can calm someone down as well as energi
In recent times, various forms of Music connect each and every individual globally. Music keeps a human being happy and relax irrespective of the situation. Furthermore, I believe international music is becoming extremel
According to the new trend, having multiple careers have become the new fashion. Having multiple sources of income and continuous learning throughout the life is the new way of life. In my opinion, one should stay focuse
Nowadays the thought of doing a single job is less popular, the latest trend is to pursue multiple careers, in addition, different methods of earning wealth, as well as higher education can help throughout your life jour
The data illustrates the students proportions of four types of secondary school in three periods of year (2000, 2005, and 2009). The Secondary schools were categorized by Specialist Schools, Grammar Schools, Voluntary-c
There is an idea which is an upword trend nowadays. Humanity investigates the utilize way to teach children to behavior in a good way in society. They try to examine whether there must be a penalty system to show childre
It is being argued if rich countries are expected to share their resources with the poorer by providing basic amenities such as food and education, or if it lies under the authority of the governments of the low-income n
Music helps people to relax the mind, forget sorrows and it make mind refresh irrespective of its kind and language. However some people believe that traditional music is more important compared to the widely accepted in
It is generally seen that the wealthy nations becomes more wealthy and likewise poor nations are becoming more poorer. There is an argument about this as some people say that the wealthy nations should support the poor n
There are multiple factors influencing a person's choice of career they want to pursue. It is most commonly thought that parents should not force their children to opt for a particular profession and should, instead, le
Choosing a college major and, by extension, a future job, is an important juncture in a young person's development. Some people feel that kids should just go with their parents' plans for them, while others say they shou
Teaching children about what is right and what is wrong is an essential part of their upbringing. I totally agree that punishment is the only way to persuade kids about the consequence related to their actions. This essa
It is stated that fatherhood should be emphasized as motherhood. I firmly agree with this statement that child-rearing could be the responsibility of both parents. I will explain in detail in the upcoming paragraphs
Music does not have barriers, it can be listened to by anyone in the world. There are different genres of music. Some of them are famous around the world, while others are famous only in specific communities. It is true
It is a well know truth that poorer nations are finding it difficult to provide basic needs to their people. Some people that should wealthy nations provide financial support to third-world countries to satisfy their b
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