It is thought that children don’t need to go to schools anymore because the availability of information online and the effectiveness of homeschooling is the same as learning at school. In my opinion, I strongly disagree
It is sometimes argued that with the extensive materials available on the Internet, students can learn by themselves at home, so schools are no longer essential. In my opinion, I totally disagree with the statement.
De¬¬velopment of the Internet is increasingly fast. This will make school are no longer necessary because children can stay at home but still get the lessons. In my opinion, I disagree with that thing.
It is argued that are schools still important as children can obtain so much knowledge from the Internet and they can learn as well at home. In my opinion, I think that both sides of the argument have their own benefits.
The Internet is expanding day by day, this means kid could get information which as much as they are on school. It can also understand as schools are no longer necessary. All extent i thinks both of them is all good.
One of the most controversial issues today relates to whether childrens can look for information availbable on cyberspace, even they can learn at home, so schools aren’t necessary. From my perspective, I partly agree on
In this day and age, there has been much debate revolving around the matter of whether the advent and expansion of the Internet called the super highway of information has obviated the need for schools. Speaking for myse
Certain people believe that the school system has been rendered useless due to the feasibility of gathering information from the internet. However, this essay strongly disagrees with the statement that schools are no lon
With the advent of technology, people do not feel a need to send learners to educational institutions as they believe that there are plenty of resources available on the internet which will aid young aspirants with enorm
Children get to learn a lot of knowledge at home with the help of the internet rather than going to school. I agree that it is important for children to know the importance of discipline, moral values and socializing whi
The human race for improvement changes everything around it in every short interval of time. Schools are also not untouched by these improvements. Nowadays, people suggest children study through the internet instead of
In this day and age, most families believe that department should be replaced by the internet as their heir can learn whatever they want from it. However, I completely disagree with this statement and I will examine my v
In this modern scenario,many individuals are habituated to get news through the website using electronic gadgets such as mobiles and laptops,so many individuals believe that acdemies are unnecessary because they involve
The advancement of the internet brings significant changes in our life, especially in the area of education. Although I agree that the internet provides a lot of information for studying, schools are still necessary for
There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, especially in the field of education. Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers to search for information or to produce
In today’s modern world, schools start to be underestimated because children can find almost everything online, which significantly helps them to learn independently at home. From my perspective, I believe that both scho
It is widely believed that homeschooling is preferable to traditional education because there is a vast amount of knowledge available online. Therefore, it makes no difference either studying at school or at home. I comp
These days, with the development of technology, people easily access information on the Internet, including education. This development has caused controversy as some have argued that children no longer need schooling bu
Learning is a must for each of us, learning will give us a lot of knowledge to make us more mature, it also gives us a lot of skills necessary for our lives such as: life skills, communication skills,.... Since ancient t