IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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To begin, few individuals think that the major habitat consequences of this time are the deter of specific species of flora and Fauna, but others believe that environmental complication is a more crucial part of this. Th
The disappearance of various types of plants and animals seems to be the most urgent environmental issue in our society. While some people believe that many other environmental problems are in an emergency to deal with.M
The disappearance of various types of plants and animals seem to be the most urgent environmental issues of our society. While some people believe that many other environmental problems are in an emergency to due with.My
Some argue that the loss of special kinds of animals and plants is the dominant environmental problem nowadays, however, others think some problems are more important than this. In my opinion, environmental problems like
It’s undeniable that the environment is always concerned by people since it is inherently and directly connected to our lives. In reality, many say that the main problem is the loss of particular species of plants and an
To begin, most people think that the loss of specific species of plants and animals is a main environmental problem. On the other hand, others believe that there are several more important problems. It has some bullet po
Protecting wild animals is a debated topic, with some advocating for the preservation of all species while others suggest a more selective approach. I believe a balanced strategy is necessary with protecting a few of the
Living conditions for human beings are one of the most prominent factors among others. In this regard, some believe that the major issue related to habitat goes back to the absence of some particular types of animals an
People have different opinions about the most important issue related to our environment. While some argue that the extinction of some species is vital, others believe that there are other matters which should be conside
There are countless environmental issues around the world. Some people think that specific animal extinction is severe, while others argue that focusing on other environmental challenges is crucial. I am in favour of the
Using animals in laboratories as an object for medical reasons or production has been discussed in the last decades. some people believe it is essential to prevent harming human generation. Though, some others argue it i
A group of people present the view that the extinction of special types of plants and animals is the most important environmental issue in our era. However, others believe that there are other factors which play a key ro
Many people believe the primary problem in environmental space is the extinction of specific species of plants and animals. Considered by some, there are more serious environmental issues. This essay will discuss both vi
it is argued that eviromanental is significat issue, otheres say it is resied becasue of some species of trees and animals die out. i believe that while eviormanetal problams are accured due to use of fosil fule rathe t
Some people support the idea that wild creatures should not be kept in the zoos while others consider that there are pretty good reasons for having zoos. However, personally I am against developing zoos and in the follow
Today, there is a controversy about whether the vanishment of some plants and animals is the biggest environmental challenge that humanity must face. In my perspective, there are other pressing environmental issues that
People have different views about whether the major environment-related issue these days is the endangered species of plants and animals or whether there are further important difficulties. While some agree that the utm
There is no doubt that more and more wild animals are likely to be extinct in the future if we do not take any actions to protect them.However, there are arguments among the people that all animals or only selected speci
Some believe that the most significant environmental issue is the narrowed living creature variety because it is the most objective change in our world, while others say there are more important impacts of this. I believ
Some argue that today’s main environmental challenge is the extinction of certain classes of plants and animals, while others believe that there are more significant issues related to environment. It is agreed that while
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