IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Although, few individuals rely on parents for instilling values on being a decent member of the society to their kids. Whereas, some believe that teachers play a vital role in doing this. However, In this essay I will di
Some people believe that children should be taught by their families about how to function as useful members of society, while others believe that sending kids to educational institutions is the best way for them to stud
It is often agreed that which medium is best studying at home or school on a child's development, which was always debatable and has now become more controversial. It can be agreed strongly upon the fact that this matter
It is often argued by few individuals that teaching children at home is prime for a child's development, however, other people believe that it is essential for children to go to school. This essay will articulate both me
It has become increasingly prevalent for children of all ages to have their own duties either at home or at work. While others opine that they should spend that time chilling and enjoying their lives. I agree with the fo
It has become increasingly prevalent for children of all ages to have their own duties either at home or at work. While others opine that they should spend that time to chill chilling and enjoying their lives. I agree wi
It has become increasingly prevalent for children of all ages to have their own duties either at home or at work. While others opine that they should spend that time to chill and enjoy their lives. I agree with the forme
In today's society, there is an ongoing debate regarding task given to children by teachers to do at home. While some opine no homework policy should be adopted by schools. Others contend, afterschool work is vital and h
Few individuals believe that students should learn a variety of subjects to gain more knowledge, on the other hand, few people think that undergraduates should acquire a limited number of subjects with focus and deeply.
Few individuals believe that students should learn variety of subjects to gain more knowledge, on the other hand few people thinks that undergraduates should acquire limited number of subjects with focused and deeply. Th
Nowadays education is the essential thing for improving the society. Some citizens believe that parents should teach children how to be a good part of the community . While , others, think this can not be the duty of par
In contemporary times, there exists a paramount emphasis on the education of children, eliciting a plethora of debates on the subject. Several individuals consider that offspring should begin school as young as possible
Nowadays, people are becoming progressively concerned with the subject relating to homeschooling. It therefore leads to the debate that we as parents should delegate authority to educators to deal with our children's iss
In modern ages, most person believe that family must educate young generation on how to be excellent humans in the general public. While others think that school is the best location to study this. I'll clarify both side
Nowadays, education is a driving factor in the development of the public in every aspect. Some citizens consider that families hope to orient kids, with the goal of how they can become beneficial for society. When childr
Many individuals think it is best for youngsters' development to learn at home whilst others advocate going to school as being the best choice for them. This essay discusses the merits of both methods and then I will exp
Opinions are divided on whether parents should teach young students how to behave in order to be good citizens in our society or schools should teach it. Both sides of opinions will be discussed in the essay, followed b
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of mandatory schooling. While some people believe that pupils should be allowed to leave school at the age of 14, I would argue that children should stay at sch
Parents are sending their kids, aged six to seven, to primary school. While this has been happening in many places previously, as both parents work and nobody is at home to look after their children. But allowing kids to
A lot of individuals argue that all kids must study ancient cultures and civilians at kindergartens. However, other people believe that recent materials are more practical for young students. So , is the latter view the
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