In the 21st century, zoos are widely used for entertainment and study purpose. However, one group of people ponder that they are the symbol of violence but other group opines that it is inevitable for the protection of
The greatness of a nation can be jugded by how people treat the animals of their country. Lots of stock believe that wild animals should not kept in zoos. While, some thinks that there are goods for having zoo's. As the
The greatness of a nation can be jugded by how people treat the animals of their country. Lots of stock believe that wild animals should not kept in zoos. While, some thinks that there are goods for having zoo's. As t
The greatness of a nation can be jugded by how people treat the animals of their country. Lots of stock believe that wild animals should not kept in zoos. While, some thinks that there are goods for having zoo's. As th
It is an undeniable fact that animals are a vital pillar of our habitat and plays a promising role in balancing the ecosystem.a popular debate circulating around us is regarding the establishment of zoos.a folk believes
Traditionally places of entertainment, zoos have changed considerably, and mostly for the better. While some feel that they have a crucial role to play both in education and in conservation more broadly, others argue tha
Traditionally places of entertainment, zoos have changed considerably, and mostly for the better. While some feel that they have a crucialrole to play both in education and in conservation more broadly, others argue that
There’s a common belief that zoos are protecting rare species when some argue that they are brutal and should be shut down. In this essay arguments both for and against, as well as my opinion, will be evaluated.
There’s a common belief that zoos are protecting rare species, when some argue that they are brutal and should be shut down. In this essay arguments both for and against will be evaluated.
In the last decade more and more arguing have happened between zoo fans and people who fight for animal rights. While the first group supposes that caving wild species is vital for saving them, the second one claims that
One fact which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that the zoo helped the community to attach them with the wildlife. While some people believe that it should be closed, others found it useful to protect the
Wild animals being kept in zoos is a very controversial issue. This essay, discusses this question from both points of view and then I will give my own opinion on the matter.
Animals are the best friend of humankind , whereas these creatures have an equal feeling as human do.some individuals feel that these species should be kept in artificial ecological systems for their own pleasure. It is
The number of zoos erected in the past decade has increased significantly causing poachers to bring more species out of their habitat than before to an artificial environment where humans can observe and study them. In 2
Wildlife protection has become one of the main concerns of individuals around the globe. Whilst some people assert that caging animals in zoos could be a solution to preserve the biodiversity issues, others find it illo
People have different views about keeping animals in zoos . some people are not agree with the argument while others aduce that it is beneficial in some aspects.
Every species have a rights to live to freedom on the earth. No one against this statement. However, a fair amount of people think that it is bad to hold on to brutal in wild park. Nevertheless, others think that zoolog
Animal keeping, especially wild animals in zoos is a controversial topic, one can support, one not supports the maintenance of these special homes. But one has to admit that zoological gardens can provide lifelong experi
Animals are the best friend of humankind , whilst these creatures have an equal feeling as human do.some individuals feel that these species should be kept in artificial ecological systems for their own pleasure. It is m
In the present age, whether zoological parks should be allowed to function is matter of controversy. Some people assert that these places are harmful for the animals, whereas others believe that they provide a place for