IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, charitable activities play a vital role in individual life as they inculcate different types of soft skills which are indispensable for a person's development. Certain people perceive that communit
In recent years, it has become quite common for many schools to abandon exam-oriented education and adopt quality education, where unpaid community service is gradually becoming a compulsory part of high school programme
In recent decades, community services have played a vital role in developed societies. One controversial issue, these days, is whether high school programs must contain community services with no wage. Not only do some p
In today's world, the popularity of doing unpaid community service has increased. There are several advantages of doing society services for teenage students such as developing their soft skills. This essay agrees that c
It is an undeniable fact that unpaid community service provides students with many valuable skills ( communication, planning,...). This is why it has been suggested that it should become a compulsory part of high school
Some argue that free volunteer work should be mandatory for high school. In my opinion, I agree with this approach because it strengthens the bond between people and also fosters a sense of responsibility.
Some argue that free volunteer work should be mandatory for high school errors in my opinion, due strengthening of the bound between people as well as the development of a country culturally and economically, I agree wit
Would community serive in high school be benetiful for teh students or would it be a waste of time? Some people suggest that unpaid community service for our students should be compulsory. I agree with this, but what wou
Mandatory work in high schools without any sort of payment is being discussed in the society. I believe this will have positive outcomes on many different levels, such as, morals and preparations for their future work.
According to a few people, community service ought to work compulsorily for a charity, neighbourhood, or secondary and primary school students in high school. This essay completely agrees with this statement because teen
In contemporary society, there is a growing debate about whether unpaid community service should be a mandatory component of high school programmes. This essay totally agrees with that statement because such initiatives
Many people think that service learning and volunteering have to be a part of any high school programme. I totally agree with this statement, since, in my opinion, such practices have zero disadvantages and large amount
Beyond doubt, there have been many discussions revolving around the issue of whether some people think community services which are without payment should obligatory imply for college students. From my perspective, I hig
The importance of community service has been increased through time owing to a group of vulnerable populations that requires support, nowadays many nonprofit organizations have been founded. For this reason, the system o
The bar graph describes what types of holiday do people like during the summer months, from countries Ireland, Norway, Japan, Canada, and New Zealand.
Some individuals posit that high school students must work for free during the school year for the sake of the community. Personally, I tend to believe that charity activities might be beneficial for students, as they wi
Many people are in favour of students' mandatory social work while studying at school. I strongly disagree with this phenomenon. This essay will argue that parents admit their offspring primarily for studies, not for unp
Many people are in favour of students' mandatory social work while studying at school. I strongly disagree with this phenomenon because parents admit their offspring primarily for studies, not for unpaid labourer work. M
Many people are in the favour of students mandatory social work while studying at school. I strongly disagree with this pehnomenon because parents admit their offspring primarily for studies not for unpaid labourer work.
Some argue that compulsory volunteer work is beneficial for both students and society and therefore, should be a mandatory part of high-school curriculum. I agree with this opinion, and in this essay, I will explain why
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