IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people think that travellers that visit other countries must copy the local customs and behaviour while there are some others than opine that the country that receives the travellers has to accept the cultural diffe
It is argued that the population should follow local customs and behaviour while they visited a foreign country while others believe that travellers should be welcomed by the society of the owner country to respect their
It is argued that the population should follow local customs and behaviour while they visited a foreign country. On the other hand, others believe that tourists should be welcomed by the society of the owner country. I w
It is argued that the population should follow local customs and behaviour while they visited a foreign country. On the other hand, others believe that tourists should be welcomed by the community of the host country. I
In this modern scenario,many individuals tend to go to foreign nations for a better education and a trip,so a proportion of society thinks that tourists must follow that particular nation's heritage and tradition.Whereas
With growing the number of travelling globally, whether tourists should adapt to the new behaviour and appearance of that country or host should accept the differences of cultures has become more critical than ever. This
Tourism plays vital role in all over the world however there are predominantly two contrasting views where section of society vehemently deems that they follow the culture of their own country while others emphasizes tha
People opine that there is a set of local practices and custom traditions that are required by outsiders who go there to adhere whereas some others believe that visitors serve as reputable guests who should be honoured a
Although local people are welcome a visitor who travels to their community they want them to follow their regulations and cultures. While, some people think why they should follow local people, and they should accept t
With the advancement in transportation technology, the tourism industry is now a prominent source of revenue for most countries. With millions of people crossing the borders to visit other parts of the world, the social
Nowadays,visitors can meet other countries easily.some individuals tell tourists should admire the host countries traditions however,others say citizens in host areas should appreciate diverse cultures.In this essay ,I w
Many individuals believe that foreign travellers should adopt local cultures and etiquette, while others think that the host provincial should adopt the traditions and customs of the foreigner. In my opinion, the sightse
Technology has revolutionized the whole world. It has also become so obvious part of the education system that people start to think about that, whether it is going to replace the teachers. This essay will enlighten how
Currently ,tourism is fast becoming a major part of our society. Some individuals believe that when visiting a different country ,one should follow the host's customs and behaviour while others have a contrary view, whi
Tourism has become the backbone of the economy of every country. Although, it is sometimes thought tourists should follow local customs, others believe that visitors should be accepted with their traditions by the host c
Nowadays, people are calling into question how should be behaved with holidaymakers with many cultural diversities. Some people claim that the owner countries’ conventions should be Followed by tourists, others dismiss t
It is undeniable that every country has different cultures depending on each country and citizens devote it. Consequently, it is always debatable whether visitors should follow local customs and behaviour or the country
In an era of globalization, were international travelling play a prominent role. Few believe that tourists travelling to other nations must respect and follow the traditions and behaviour of native people of that country
Each country has its own special character and the tourists like to explore their culture, various types of food, their behaviour, local traditions and many more things. Few people think that travellers must obey the tra
Some people think that it would be better if foreigners obey the rules and customs everywhere they visit while others reckon that the government needs to welcome different cultures from all over the world. This essay wil
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