IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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When it comes dealing with people from other countries or region, two type of opinions exist. Some people strongly believe that visitors should follow the local customs and behavior. Others believe that the host countrie
Nowadays, the flourishing evolution of the tourism industry allows people to travel around the world. Some arguments show that visitors should respect and follow local culture while others think that cultural differences
Growing tourism industry has contributed to the economic development of many countries , but often faces some issues as well and difference between customs and behaviors of tourists and natives is one of such issues. Whi
A percentage of the population believe that foreign people have to follow all the customs of the local place and have exactly the same behaviour. Otherwise, other percentage believe that it is really important to have di
It is believed by some that foreigners who move to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour, while other think, cultural differences should be welcomed by the host region. In my opinion, visitors should
Travelling and visiting multiple tourist destinations is a hobby for many individuals. While some believe that a host country should accept the cultural differences between the traveller and the residents ,however,I, agr
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. While others will argue in contrast to that. And that is because there are both kinds of people in this world, some are paro
Every country has its traditions and culture that they follow. In recent times, people are interested in exploring the whole world. In such cases, when they visit different countries, they have to follow respective cultu
Some people hold the view that tourists should obey local customs and traditions. While others argue that foreigners should be welcomed with their culture. I am more inclined towards the latter statement.
Some people hold the view that tourists should obey local customs and traditions. While others argue that foreigners should be welcomed with their culture. I am more inclined towards the latter arguement.
Every country has its own cultural background to which some believe that the visitors should also adhere, while another group denies imposing such awkward restrictions that would make the visitors feel uncomfortable. I w
In recent years, the trend has been increased towards tourism to other countries. A section of society thought that people visit other countries need to follow their trend ritual and cultural habits. Others contradict th
It is an irrefutable fact that over the last years travelling has been gaining popularity. However, sometimes travellers face cultural conflicts. Therefore, a segment of society is convinced that tourists have to comply
Diversity is the real beauty of the world, so in this free world everyone is free to follow any cultures,religions and languages.Only thing ,one should take care of is that, not hurt the sentiment of others, while foll
Over the past half-century, an increasing number of people choose to travel abroad to spend their holidays. People have different views with regards to the question of whether should the visitors embrace the host country
It is thought by some that foreign tourists should behave the same way as the locals while there are others who believe that local residents ought to embrace cultural differences. In my opinion, people should be encourag
A fair amount of folks think that tourists visiting neighbour countries should adapt to foreign country's cultures and traditions. However, some deny and believe that the welcoming country should accept the diversity in
The number of people consider that tourists should respect other countries culture and rules, whereas other people are not agree with that statement and think that these aspects are not important, however host country ha
The tourism industry is growing very fast nowadays. A various number of people often travel on different occasions, for holidays or work. Certain people suggest that whoever explores another country, should adopt local t
The tourism industry is growing very fast nowadays. A various number of people often travel on different occasions, for holidays or for work. Certain people suggest, that whoever visits another country, should adopt loca
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