IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Travelling and experiencing new cultures is a luxury and the tourism industry is growing by its leaps and bounds every year globally. There is an ongoing debate whether the customs and behaviour should be followed by the
Around the world, there are people who have many tribes and their own uniqueness. Few individuals think that tourists have to imitate local customs and behaviour, whereas others believe the host country has to accept cul
There are conflicting views about whether visitors follow local norms or whether the host country should welcome differences in culture. I believe tourists should learn traditional values because it's not practical to ex
Nowadays Migration towards developed countries is rapidly increasing. Due to this one part of the society argues that immigrants should always accept foreign region and their traditions. while other people counter tha
In the immigration epoch, people are choosing to travel around the world to get rest, to celebrate, and to relax. Also there is an ongoing debate on whether immigrants should obey the certain local customs and behaviours
Nowadays Migration towards developed countries is rapidly increasing. Due to this one part of the society argues that immigrants should always accept foreign region and their traditions. while other people counter tha
Many think that travellers ought to comply the behaviour patterns and unwritten rules of the destination they go because it shows the true self of the place, while others say the receiving nation ought to comply nonsimil
The popularity of online shopping has quickly increased for last few years. Almost everyone prefers to do purchases online nowadays. There are a lot of shops on the Internet where you have an opportunity to buy anything
The issue of following the culture of other countries when I visited can be a hugely controversial topic. It can cause heated debate amongst people who hold strong views on this issue. I strongly believe that we have to
There is a prevailing belief that tourists should get integrated into the local’s behaviours and traditions, while on the other hand, many believe that the country which accommodates should be open to new cultural divers
It has been common to travel abroad for unique experiences. According to this activity, there are a variety of opinions about whether the tourists should obey local customs and behaviour or not.
part of the society believes that foreigners should obey and adhere to local ritual and conduct while others believe, that local's should accept other cultural norms.In my opinion, adherence to local traditions creates u
In line with the shift in time and growth of the trip facilities, international traveling has become more convenient than before resulting in the attraction of a significant number of tourists to various countries. This
Nowadays, the differences in cultures become a concern to the society when they attend a country. Arguments exist that the traveller should obey the native behaviour while others dispute and have opinions to welcome the
It is advised by some people that tourists must obey the culture and behaviour practised locally in the country they are visiting. However, a majority do not agree with this statement. They are of the understanding that
There are some arguments when talking about travel world-wide. Some people think that foreign exhibitors should obey local rules and traits while others argue that seignior have to open with diverse culture. Despite argu
In this globalisation era, travelling across countries is escalated to share thoughts, beliefs, and customs. However, whether the travellers should follow their own cultural norms or the place of visit is a matter of con
In this modern world, travelling across the country is something that is easy to do in order to spend a holiday or go on a business trip. This situation has some negative and positive impacts on locals, countries, and vi
In this modern state of globalisation there are many interactions across different cultures, especially when it involves people crossing national borders. Cultural adaptation needs to be done either by the visitors or th
There is a growing contention over whether international visitors should assimilate into the cultural milieu of their host countries or if it is the host's duty to embrace the diverse customs of their guests. Personally,
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