IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The interaction between visitors and host countries has long been a subject of debate. Some argue that visitors should adhere to local customs and behaviour, while others advocate for embracing cultural differences. This
Travelling and experiencing new cultures is a luxury. There is an ongoing debate on whether visitors should respect and follow local customs and behaviours or whether the hosting country should welcome foreigners and the
In order to better understand the people of other countries it is important that both tourists and locals should show respect and tolerance for each other. It is very important that tourists respect local cultures as the
I guess,For ,Instance as an overseas worker I was a race from an Asian ethnicity part of the eastern globe where now I can say it is an open country.I mean most of our traditions and culture are not too much conservative
A certain proportion of individuals follow the opinion that foreigners travelling around the world must adopt the local culture and customs to follow the norms of the community. However, others believe in the fact that t
Nowadays, the travel and tourism industry is booming exponentially. People often travel cross-borders in order to explore new places, enjoy local cuisine and learn about different cultures and traditions practised in var
The debate over whether visitors to other regions should adopt local customs and behaviour or if the host country should embrace cultural differences has been ongoing for decades. While some people believe that tourists
The debate over whether visitors who travel to other regions should respect local customs and behaviour or the host country should embrace cultural differences has been ongoing for decades. Some people believe that touri
When visitors travel to foreign countries, should adapt to local customs and behaviour or whether the host country should accept cultural differences has been a controversial issue. While some people believe that visitor
In today’s world, holidays are becoming more suitable activities for the whole world. However, there is a hot topic from visitors and locals which is about hospitality and respect. Touristic areas have traditions that ar
Recently, travelling to different societies with various traditions, is one of the most contemporary controversies, which viewers and travellers are better to stick on respecting to appropriate cultural values, however,
Tourists help the GDP of communities. Many communities want tourists to come and explore their cultures and heritage. I believe tourists should imitate locals' behaviours while some will argue that the host country shoul
There is a rise in the population triggering economic development in the tourist industry of the globe. It is argued that some populaces perceive that travellers in a foreign location shall respect their culture and acti
Travel has been always a good way to meet new people and discover new cultures. Some people believe that tourist needs to initiate local clothes and traditions while others think that the host state must welcome everyone
Since travelling has become more accessible and cheaper than ever, visiting other lands is becoming common and trendy. This leads to the controversial topic of whether tourists should adapt to national customs and behavi
It is assumed by some that the traditions and habits of a host country should be considered and respected by tourists. However, there is another opinion that locals have to be more tolerant of other cultures. Internation
Nowadays, traveling around the world has become a famous activity among people. Some claim that visitors should integrate into local culture and follow locals’ activities, while others think that the locals should accept
Today, there is a growing trend of visiting different places in different countries. It is a highly debated issue whether tourists should do and behave as the people of the host country or should the host country accept
In recent years tourism has a crucial impact on the growing rate of the economy in the world. In terms of respecting to the local cultures, some individuals think that tourists should obey the rules of local cultures, wh
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