IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have different views about whether the authorities are supposed to take immediate actions to cope with road crowding by constructing railways and metro station or more and expanded expressway. While sufficient hig
People have different views about whether councils and governments are supposed to decrease road crowding by constructing train and subway lines or building more and wider roads. While sufficient highways is helpful to t
Traffic has been increasing day by day due to the rise in the population. It is assumed by limited human beings that unions should expend more money in the making of trains and subways to decrease the overcrowding, while
The largest selling products in today’s market are not what the society needs, but are the ones which have been made popular by the ever increasing power of the global advertising industry. I strongly agree with this sta
There has been a contradication about wether the government should allocate funds for setting up train and underground routes or larger streets in order to reduce traffic congestion. In my opinion, financing metro and su
In recent years, the growth of traffic congestion have a major problem for many countries. While some people hope to believe that government should be spent more fun to build new trains and underground lines, Other mass
In the recent years, the growth of traffic congestion have major problem for many countries. While some people hope to believe that government should be spent more fun to build new trains and underground lines, Other mas
In recent years, the growth of traffic congestion has a major problem for many countries. While some people hope to believe that government should be spent more fun to build new trains and underground lines, Other masse
Opinions diverge greatly on how to tackle traffic congestion. Although constructing more railways and subway lines partly solves the problem, I would argue that the government should allocate their financial resources
There is a school of thought that believes that the construction of boarder roads would reduce traffic jam. While, reasons can be given to justify this, I would argue that railways and subway lines are more efficient th
In the contemporary world, travelling has become a challenge in some countries due to jamming. Some opine that it is the duty of the administration to spend more on establishing more train and metro routes to avoid blo
Nowadays, Traffic jam is increasing rapidly within the big cities. It is debatable issue that whether government should spend money on train and subway lines as they are more helpful in reduction traffic whereas some
As the population grows, people won't extend Railway stand road Sinha order to reduce traffic. Say some suggest to widen the roads were largest want to build tomorrow train se Subway lines to reduce traffic. Latest in my
Few individuals think that in order to decrease road traffic funds should be given in establishing trains and underground tubes by government. Whereas, Others opine that creating extra and broader road is the best sol
Few individuals think that in order to decrease road traffic funds should be given in establishing training and underground tubes by government. Whereas, Others opine that creating extra and broader road is the best sol
Few individuals think that in order to decrease road traffic funds should be given in establishing Trains and underground tubes by government. Whereas, Others opine that creating extra and Broader road is the best so
Few individuals think that in order to decrease road traffic funds should be given in establishing trains and underground tubes by government. Whereas, Others opine that creating extra and broader road is the best so
There is no doubt that traffic congestion has become troublesome for governments in many big cities. Therefore, they have either encouraged the use of public transport or required drivers to pay tax when they drive to ci
Methods to address traffic jams is a contentious topic for many people. While some people think that government funds should be poured in constructing more railways and subway lines, I believe that widening streets would
Over the recent years, traffic congestion is an aching problem of a variety of countries around the world. While some maintain that constructing more and wider road is an effective way to alleviate this problem, I feel t
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