IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Owing to current popular political ideology and technological advancement, nowadays we have more options in contrast with the past. However, I disagree with this is too much as until this day, option availability is not
Some individuals consider that we have more choices than before. I agree the options that we have picked in the 21st century . There are several reasons that I believe the choices that we make increased.
Our lives are filled with possibilities nowadays, we are able to choose different career paths and different lifestyles. Some claim that we have too many choices, in my opinion, I could not agree more.
It is believed that in modern times people have many more options than they used to have in the past. This assumption is based on the fact that earlier people did not have technology or access to technology to gain knowl
In today's world, the trend of fast development has a significant impact on our lives. While some people argue that it is difficult to make a good decision among various selections or options, others suppose the opposite
Some individuals claim that they have many options these days. Although it is a general idea, I partially agree with this statement but it depends on the situation.
The debate over the revolution in the number of options we are offered on a daily basis has sparked considerable controversy. While some people advocate for having numerous choices under any circumstances, I believe that
Today, we have choices that are more than enough. I will explain why I agree and about finding this matter how to change our life.
Todays, we have choices that are more than enough. I will explain why I agree and about finding this matter how change our life.
In today’s world, the rapid advancement of technologies and globalisation has resulted in a vast number of choices for individuals in every aspect of life. I totally agree with the statement that the abundance of options
Many claim that people are currently being bombarded with a variety of options. I agree with this assumption, and the following essay will demonstrate that accessible information and growing consumption are two key compo
These days, people all over the world have more choices to choose from in many different subjects. I totally agree with this idea due to technological improvements and the existence of competitive market sales.
In the modern era, the advanced development of technology provides individuals various options in living while some people consider that have exceeded our basic needs. However, I completely belive that multiple choices a
However, some group of thinkers believes that to select something they have a wide range of varieties available in the market whether it would relate to food, clothes, or any favourable things. I think in the same manner
There is ongoing discourse on whether individuals face the need for too many choices in this era. Some people might disagree with this; however, I firmly believe that living in this era requires individuals to opt for va
In these modern days, it is quite common that we have a lot of options. I’m fully agree with this statement, and in this essay I will discuss the reasons and supporting evidences from my experiences.
No one can dispute the fact about freedom of choice-making in today’s society. Even a large fraction of individuals indicate that humans nowadays possess a wide range of choices, and the following essay will display some
To begin , mostly individuals trust that nowadays people have too many choices to do work. Thera are some pros and cons regarding this. I completely agree with this statement due to globalisation and opportunities.
To begin, most individuals trust that nowadays community have too many choices to do work. There are some pros and cons regarding this. I completely agree with the statement due to globalisation and opportunities.
There are some arguments that nowadays people have a wider range of options compared to the past. From my perspective, I totally agree with this point of view.
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