IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is frequently said that boarding schools are an excellent option for children, while arguments against this idea have also been made several times. This essay will discuss both sides of the debate and give a concludin
Nowadays, it has been a well-discussed topic whether minors should go to boarding schools or assist to normal institutes. This essay will examine both points of view on taking children to different educational places and
Nowadays it has been a well-discussed topic either children should go to boarding schools or assit to normal institutes. This essay will examine both point of view of taking children to different educational places and w
These days, more and more schools offer dormitories for students, therefore, they can focus on learning in a well-structured academic environment. Although some parents think boarding schools are ineffective for students
It is thought that boarding schools provide more opportunites for students, yet, other disagree with this piece of mind. I am strongly in favour of boarding schools.
It is claimed that day-to-night institutes are better choices for pupils than day academies. There are different opinions about these two sides and this essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.
It is claimed that day-to-night schools are better choices for pupils than day schools. There are different opinions about these two sides and this essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.
It is sometimes believed that educational institutes where learners dwell in the premises are better for offspring because this promotes peer learning as well as encourages personal growth while others did not concur to
Some people argue that boarding schools are a great option for their children but others contradict them. I agree with this statement and I will explain both the advantages and the disadvantages of these institutions in
It is probably said that students have benefit, which they study and live when during school term at the boarding school. However, some people think that this view is not useful for pupil and parents. This essay will d
A number of people believe that sending children to the boarding schools may have several advantages to them, but the others think different, and obey opposite rules.
Education is paramount to societal and personal development. However, whether or not children should be trained in boarding facilities have been the subject of debate. While a few argue that boarding centres are the bes
In this day and age, boarding institutes are increasing in popularity around the globe. The majority number of individuals prefer their offspring to stay at the boarding academy over an academic year. While other people
Sending their children to boarding school is a controversial subject for many people, some argue that it is a great choice for their children but others may contradict that opinion. This essay will discuss both sides and
It is believed by some boarding schools provide dormitories, the residential house having gives more opportunities. Whereas others continue to be rather controversial because this is a less convincing statement. It wou
It is often said that children benefit from staying in dormitory-based schools, especially in their teenage years. However, the issue is not entirely straightforward, and arguments can also be made against the idea. Th
While boarding schools are increasingly popular, it is arguable that it has pros and cons accordingly to the diversity of every student. Therefore, this essay will discuss the arguments on both sides and give an opinion
Some authorities think that it is more favorable for pupils who lives at the school dormitory during the semester instead of living in off-campus housing. This essay will discuss the both sides of the argument, and giv
Whilst some people consider that boarding schools are a brilliant choice for children, others contrast with this view. This essay will address both sides of the perspectives, and lead to a comprehensive conclusion. On
It is often said that children benefit from boarding schools, especially today’s technology focused world. However, those have a two-way position in that question. This essay will discuss the debate, and give a conclud
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