IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Reducing packaging is one of the key points to overcoming environmental problems due to the overuse of resources, however, the authority of packaging problem is not clear yet. Some believe that too much packaging or envi
In more and more modern society these days, the environment has attacted the general public's attention. While some people believe that the packaging total increases by the production and supermarkets; there are also man
One of the biggest issues the world faces today is the big amount of packages of litter thrown into the environment. And so, in the midst of all worries and efforts to reduce this kind of waste, people have different opi
It is argued that some of the important responsibility towards controlling the amount of packing of products belongs to factories and supermarkets, whereas some individuals assert that consumers have the right to reject
While some people think that the responsibility of reducing product packaging belongs to producers and supermarkets, many individuals argue that costumers have that responsibility. In this paper, I would discuss both poi
Commodities are an integral part of everyday life. There is a school of thought which says that product makers should not sell the products in bundles. While others perceive that consumers should refrain from purchasing
The packaging industry has witnessed a boom in their businesses in the recent time. A few people are of the view that it’s the core responsibility of large selling stores to lessen the quantity of covering of products, w
In this contemporary epoch, population paying attantion more to the hygiene than any other time of period due to some rising infectious disease. So a group of people claim that markets and production componies of grocier
A number of individuals think that producers and shop owners are in the position to lower the cost of packaging products while another group believed that the buyers are to decline the purchase of goods with huge packag
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether industries or consumers should be responsible for the reduction in over wrapping of products displayed in stores. This essay will discuss both arguments and explain w
Many have argued that it is the duty of the producers and the sellers in the big shops to bring down the price of package commodities. Whereas some are of the idea that end-users should quit purchasing wares that have
Divergents are the opinions whether shopping malls and manufacturing companies have the onus of curtailing the number of packaged products or consumers refusing to purchase items with their numerous wrapping after their
It is believed by the group of an individual that is a duty of producers and marketers to minimize the number of package goods but some people are not in support of this opinion. I concur with the opinion saying the
Some customers think that shopping malls and producers have the duty to cut down the price of packaged items, while others suggest that customers should not purchase packaged items.
In this era, wrapping of goods can be very controversial, therefore, there are individuals who are of the opinion that it is the work of the producers and resellers to minimize the level at which they present their produ
These days public discussion has been going on over whether the producers and the supermarkets have greater control to reduce the quantity of packaging of goods while others believe it is the responsibility of the consum
There are diverse opinions on how producers and retailers of edibles should minimize how they package their products while others opined that it is an individual’s responsibility to watch what they buy.
While most people believe that producers and retailers are supposed to remove some packaging given to the property, others oppose that buyers should avoid purchasing items with so much packaging. This essay will discuss
Many individuals believed that producers and shopping malls are responsible for reduction in packaging products, whereas, others suggested that customer should stay away from good that has too much coverings. I believe t
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