IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People stick to living their lives by strictly following the same routine and restricting any change to happen while some prefer to transform. In my opine, changes are necessary.
Nowadays, people definitely do their various activities. It is argued that some individuals tend to do same routines, while others prefer to face new activities. In my opinion, doing new things is beneficial for people,
Many people in their life stick to one job and do not want to leave with a reason of insecurity to find another one or any other. On the other hand ,some sections of society feel,it is interesting to shuffle the wor
It has been a big debate for centuries, the amount of human beings would rather spend their soul doing similar kinds of stuff and do not want to face-to-face swap. In my opinion these both things are important to two sid
It has been a big debate for centuries, how the human beings would have progressed throughout their lifes, some support the idea that life is quite short to change and struggle, on the other side, others express the impo
Some individuals advocate that they are more willing to maintain their current circumstances rather than make changes, while others give the opposite view. From my perspective, I agree with the latter one since the alter
As the world is very competitive and yet challenging for people to live in. A majority of individuals hold a view that they are reluctant to change and they need to stay in their comfort zone, while others believe that h
Many people like doing the same things. It is because you don't have to change many thing about your life. Some people more like doing challege task and looking for way more interested aspect of life. I will explain my p
There are considerable amount of people who choose humdrum lifestyle and escape changes while some individuals opining that adjustments to new way of living have only positive aspects. I believe, that both philosophies
A massive part of our society prefers all their life to do the same things and resist changes. Others, suppose that changes are essential and always try to do something new. Both sides have as many advantages as disadvan
Nowadays, public debate has been going on about people's preference to spend their lives doing the same thing or always looking for a change. Some believe that keeping the same life routine make people feel safer and ens
A massive part of our society prefers all their activity to do the same things and resist changes. Others, suppose that changes are essential and always try to do something new. Both sides have as many advantages as disa
In our fast growing society, there are often many twists and turns in our life where changes might be necessary. Some people find comfort and security in performing the same tasks or going through the same routine and ar
Due to the personality differences between people, some individuals choose the monotonous lifestyle, performing some tasks repeatedly thus they are unwilling to change while others are of adventurous nature and always li
It is the general perception of some people that teenagers should be taught the skills for good parenting in school to prepare them for the real life. I believe that individuals become good parents with experience howeve
As everyone knows. everything has changed over time. There are some people who would like to spend their lives in the same habit and avoid having any change that impacts their routine, although a good thing or better si
Nowadays, we live in a time of changing more rapidly than any others. Thus, there are heated debate centering on change. In this essay, I will discuss it and give my opinion.
Changes that occur in people's lives are controversial and there are myriad scenes that change people's daily routines. However, whilst the proponents believe that most individuals like to spend their lives without any c
It is commonly argued that there are two types of people : those who do not mind changes and who do. Since there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides, it is not necessarily right to claim which is right. Thus,
It is often argued that there are two types of people: who do not mind spending time doing the same job and who try to do something new and pursue changes. Both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, so this
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