IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The importance of change which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. I am of the opinion that change is always good, and d
A group of individuals presents the view that it can be better to avoid change in our lives, whereas others believe that change can bring unique opportunities. I strongly agree with the latter opinion, and the reasons wi
Change is an inevitable part of our daily lives, and whether embraced or resisted, it remains an intrinsic aspect. Divergent views exist on this matter, with some asserting that adhering to routines is the key to a stabl
Change is a part of our daily lives and whether is it is embraced or not, change is unavoidable. There are diametrically opposing views on this topic as some people believe that change is always beneficial to our lives
Day by day people are more concern about time and effort. In that case, some people says doing the same works and do not face any changes while other argued that making changes is a good way. In life it is needed to chan
The perspective on embracing change varies among individuals, with some preferring a steady life; whereas, others advocate for the benefits of change. Both views have compelling arguments yet I firmly believe that a bala
There is no denying the fact that how do people plan for their life. While it is a commonly held belief that people should do the same things without changes, there is also an argument that they should change their thing
Although some people are happy with doing routine work, modification is considered important, and others firmly are willing to change things in their lifetime rather than maintain the status quo. Giving my opinion in con
There is no denying the fact that change impacts on people’s lives dramatically. While it is a commonly held belief that some individuals like routine and stay in the same life pattern, there is also an argument that peo
There is no denying the fact that change impact on people’s lives dramaticlly. While it is a commonly held belief that some individuals like routine and stay in the same life pattern, there is also an argument that peopl
Many of us believe that we do not need to change our own lives according to the major people, however, the rest of the people argue that we have to chase changes and trends because those are related to our survival. In t
In the modern era, change is happening each and every day. With the growth of ,technology we can't predict what happen next. Thinking and acting in various ways helps to develop our person-to-person. The revolution
We live in an age when many of us stick to our daily routines and avoid change. Even so, some people believe that it’s always better to develop our lives. This essay will discuss both views and give my own opinion.
There is no denying the fact that there are many ideas about changing and life stayle. It is a commonly held belief that, doing the same routine is one of the best ways to live, there is also an argument that change is t
There are two disperse views about sticking to only one thing in whole life and about bringing changes to the type of work one usually does. Some people prefer doing only one type of work, while others want to bring chan
There are varieties of people around the local community and the globe as a whole with different norms. Some people are willing to change for good and others are not. This is because it depends on an individual with thei
It is thought by a vast number of people that making change is mostly a good thing instead of preferring to spend their time on the same choice. I could not agree more with this view for two crucial reasons: Firstly, ne
There are several arguments concerning whether people should repeat their regular habits to prevent changes rather than the consistent redevelopment of them. In my personal standpoint, our life will not be better if we r
During our life, people face numerous and various challenges. Someone believed that staying in the comfort zone and maintaining the living style was the best. However, someone argued that facing challenges and trying to
Changes are always good in life because it helps to grow financially and mentally. Some people choose to spend their lives without any changes. On the other hand, some people believe that change is always a positive thin
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