IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Gaming can have both negative and positive impacts on children. When discussing games and their effects on the development of skills in children, it is important to note that there is a wide array of gaming tools availab
Part of society believes that modern games can give rise to the development of a vast number of skills while others argue that traditional games do better in that aspect. In my conviction, these new games only develo
In this temporary life, many games for kids focus on increasing their intelligence, some individuals believe that this case does not develop all children's abilities, while others argue traditional games assist improve
Several people believe that, in the last decades, children have been involved in such games which aren't beneficial whereas, conventional games were far more efficient to improve children's ability in a variety types of
With the advancement of society, it is easy for young children to get in touch with video games. Some people claim that lots of skills can be studied while others argue that children can be exposed to negative impacts. C
With the development of technology, a number of entertainment forms have occurred, such as video games. Some claim that a negative influence has been brought by them on children. However, considering the elements of educ
Some people believe that contemporary games deliver the development of numerous skills among kids whereas some think that old-styled games are better in this particular situation. This essay agrees that state-of-the-art
It is sometimes argued that conventional sports such as football, hide and seek and cricket provide more benefits than modern electronic games in terms of developing the skills of younger generations. I strongly agree wi
The phenomenon of traditional games and modern children's games of which one would benefit the most to the developing kids. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I totally agree that parents shoul
Nowadays, part of citizens believes that to develop a wide range of skills in children the E-games help them in it, whereas universal sport can be much more effective in developing such type of skills argue by other. I a
Nowadays, part of citizens believes that to develop a wide range of skills in children the E-games help them in it, whereas traditional games can be much more effective in developing such type of skills argue by other. I
It is an undeniable fact that ,nowadays children are spending more time on virtual games than traditional games . Some people believe that local games have more benefits than modern games. This topic is debatable. This
In the contemporary world, youngsters primarily focus on the recently launched games on their gadgets thus lacking a creative mind. However, some scholars believe that children who are engaged in conventional interests t
admittedly, I agree with those who say the inappropriate comments on the internet is a cancer of our society. One of the reasons behind this is people confuse the idea of public and private. Many of them communicate on t
It is undeniable that games are beneficial to the development of children's abilities to some extent. Some individuals claim that games played in traditional ways could be much more efficiently and effectively than in mo
In recent years, video games have become an important aspect in the daily lives of people, including young generation. It is said that modern games do not provide skills and knowledge as much as traditional games. Ho
In this highly competitive world, acquiring a variety of skills has become far more important than ever before. There are several methods to cultivate some skills, in particular games. In this regard, Some argue that tra
Gaming has gradually been one of the most common leisure activities in this modern society due to recent advances in technology. This has created a controversial topic over whether it would be better for children to deve
Various video games have been in great demand as they permeate into individuals’ way of entertainment especially among young people. While people have different views about the impacts on those children imposed by this k
Some people think that modern games can help children develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills.
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