IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is always said parents should motivate their youngster to do something together in a structured way during their free time. Some people hold the view that kids should be persuaded to do their actions solely. From my p
It is argued that children should be encouraged by parents to take part in some activities in their free time while some say that it is the child that needs to develop his interest and occupy themselves with activities o
In this era of Pandemic, after Lockdown, children have a lot of free time, some use it to take part in organised group activities and others try to spend it doing something on their own, depending upon their parents' gui
According to some, parents have a significant role to encourage their children to participate in group activities in their free time. Others, on the other hand, believe that youngsters should be thought how to occupy the
There are many concerned parents who believe that organized group tasks can be helpful to students. Others, however, think that we should allow them to decide which activities they want to perform. I completely agree wi
While many people think that children should be encouraged by their parents to get involved in organised activities during free time, some others believe that children should be let develop the ability to independently o
In this contemporary era, parents are worried about their children future. Most people say that parents need to think about their teenager activities and encourage them while others say that it is every student responsib
In this contemporary era, parents are worried about their children future. Most people say that parents need to think about their children activities and encourage them while others say that it is every student responsib
Take part in organised group activities give more benefits to youngsters. Some individuals argue that parents should motivate their children to involve in group activities during their leisure time while others claim tha
It is often argued issue whether the parents should motivate to their's offspring participate in social activities in their spare time or they learn self-development on their own. This essay discusses both viewpoints, I
It is commonly believed that children should be inspired by their parents in conducting team activities in their leisure and others are of the opinion that the youth must learn on how they can be engaged by themselves. I
In recent years, there has been debates on how parents engage their wards in their spare time. While some parents are in support of getting their children in group activities in their spare time, others believe these you
Children always have unoccupied time in their timetable, Many people believe that this time should be used for a well-organized group activity, while other opine that teenager should manage this time by themselves. Both
It has been a huge topic for debate among parents on how children should spend their free time or vacation time. Some parents are in favour of sending kids to organized group activities while others believe that children
Some people argue that children should spend time in group activities while others opine that they should be free to choose their activities on their own in their free time. In my opinion, a balanced approach will be app
Some people argue that adolescent should spend time in society action while others opine that they should be free to choose their activities on their own in their free time. In my opinion, a balanced approach will be app
What you learn at a tender age can play a huge role in what you will be as an adult. That learning comes from varying sources including group activities offered by institutions or hobbies and interests practised in their
People are divided concerning how kids should spend their free time. One group thinks it is better for parents to enrol their kids in group activities, while another group - which I agree with - thinks it is more benefic
Nowadays, a group of people believe that kids should be encouraged to participate in ranges of team-work activities, while others argue that children should have the opportunity to make their own time being occupied by t
Education for children is one of the tough problems which all parents face. Some people believe that kids should have the organizing ability. However, others might say that self-controlled ability is much important. In t
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