IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Opinions are divided as to whether, these days the most important environmental issue is the extinction of certain species of animals and plants, or there exist other environmental disorders which are more important. In
Some people believe that nowadays most important nature-related issues are the extinction of trees and species,whereas others argue that global warming,climate change,and air pollution are the main problems for the envir
Some individuals argue that the utmost environmental issue is the extinction of particular species of organisms, including plants and animals. Meanwhile, others state that there are environmental problems which need to b
It is believed by some that it is better to accept unwelcoming position which might be caused by lack of money or concern related to work. While others believe the opposite, they agree it is better to overcome these issu
Many people believe that the biggest environmental matter is losing of certain species of animals and plants. However, others claim that there are vital issues now. I strongly agree that losing species for animals and pl
Nowadays, the world faces a lot more environmental issues than it did in the past and many are increasing rapidly. It is believed by some that the main environmental issue currently is related to the extinction of animal
It is an undeniable fact that environmental issues are increasing day by day. Which is not suitable for our life or ecosystem.It is often argued by some people that the main environmental cause of our time is the loss of
Recently, several individuals have argued that the extinction of certain classes of flora and fauna is a leading cause of the primary ecological issues. However, another group believes that there are more serious concern
Nowadays people argue that the main environmental problem of our time is the extinction of some species of flora and fauna. While others say that there are more important and serious problems. In this essay, I will exami
Nowadays people argue that the main environmental problem of our time is the extinction of some species in flora and fauna.While, others say that there are more important and serious problems. In this essay, I will exami
There are differing views regarding whether environmental problems become a notable issue in the world. I could argue that the loss of animals and vegetation by human exploitation must be the top priority to solve. Howev
Some people believe that the extinction of plants and animals is a major environmental issue these days, while others argued that there are bigger environmental problems. This essay will discuss both ideas along with my
Some people are convinced that the significant environmental issue in this era is the loss of particular species of planet as well as animals. On the other hand, other people consider there are more significant environme
The state of nature has been changing rapidly over the years and it has come with its repercussions towards the environment. The number of plants and animals going extinct in the world, for example, is concerning and dev
some people believe that animal and plant extinction is the main reason for environmental issues, whilst others argue that there are more pivotal problems. This essay will elaborate on my personal perspective regarding t
Some people believe that the significant envorionmental problrm is the loss of special species of plants and animals. Other people are of the opinion that some others factors are more important environmental problems. Th
It is often argued that the most harmful effects on the environment are caused by the eradication of certain plant and animal species. However, some, myself included, state the importance of other threats such as climate
Many people say that the declining population of important species of animals and plants is the main problem in our environment which affects our time. While the others say there are more important environmental problems
World became aware of environmental problems that resulted in a reduction of human quality of life. However, people still argue whether loss of particular species of flora and fauna is the main one and others who said th
People have different views about whether the principal issues in recent years are the extinction of some species of animals and plants or significant threats to the environment. While the loss of animals and plants is a
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