IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the curiosity about the reason behind learning a foreign language has become a heated topic among people in the language's academic field. Some people believe that the main reason that people learn a foreign la
The debate some reasons for learning a foreign language often centers on practical applications such as travel and work. Some argue that these are the main motivations, while others believe that the benefits of learning
Learning a foreign language creates a lot of opportunities for all people. However, some people believe that only benefits their overseas travelling or working, while others argue that language acquisition has no limitat
Some adopt the view that traveling and working are the main reasons for people to learn a second language, while others think that there are still various reasons. Both views of this argument will be discussed in the ess
Some adopt the view that travelling and working are the only purposes for people to learn a second language, while others think that there are also several different targets. I will discuss some possible reasons for this
Some adopt the view that the mere reason for studying a foreign language is to cater for traveling or working for an international company, while others believe that people also conquer a language for other reasons. I wi
People have different perspectives about learning a foreign language for specific reasons. Some people believe that this attempt is useful when they use it for job or travel abroad, while others do not agree with this st
The debate on the purpose of acquiring a new language often revolves around its utility for travel and work versus its broader benefits. While some individuals believe that learning a language is primarily for traveling
People's perspectives on acquiring a second language vary; some think that studying and living overseas is primarily motivated by this goal, while others think there are other motivations at play. The primary reason for
For people who want to move to another area, learning a language other than their mother tongue has become a trend and a necessity. Some people believe that the only reason to learn a second language is to study or work
Learning languages besides your mother tongue has become a trend and necessity for an Individual who wants to relocate to other territories. A group of people believe that the only reason behind learning a second languag
People’s opinions differ as to whether studying a new language is the main purpose of individuals who want to visit or settle down in other countries or these targets are not the only aims to make someone learn foreign l
IT is a common myth among masses that one should learn foreign language to get a job in foreign country or for travel purpose. Nowadays, there are so much employment oppurnities are available for people who can speak, tr
People have different views about learning a second language, some see that it is the primary reason for living and studying abroad, while others believe that there are many factors for this. In my opinion, the main goal
Research has shown that most people learn a language because they want to travel or to get a job position abroad. However, there are others who support that learning a foreign language helps you in all sectors of your li
An argument has arisen about the reason for learning another language, the first view suggests that the primary reason is in order to work or travel, while the second group says that there are various factors. In this re
An argument has arisen about the reason of learning another language, the first view suggest that the primary reason is in order to work or travel, while the second group says that there are various factors. In this repo
In the modern era, numerous students are relocating themselves in foreign nation for further study or work. Due to this perspective some folks believe that in order to travel or work in a unnative region is the major rea
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is what is aim of learning foreign language. It is undeniable that every single person should to know two or three languages and it is become an essential part of our life. How
People have always tried to make connections with other nations in order to due to various reasons. However, currently, this tendency is increasing among ordinary people considerably. On one hand, some people assume that
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