IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the time of globalization, many people migrate to new places for better opportunities. However, some individuals choose to stick to their birthplace. The most probable cause behind this tendency might be, a high emoti
It is often observed that some individuals prefer to spend their entire lives in proximity to their place of birth. This essay will explore the reasons for this phenomenon and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.
The born placed is original which we return to it. I agree to stay in it to ever. But most of people like thing to another place that depend to their situation.
Many countries now have a large population of people, who stay in the same place where they were born.Some individuals claim that it is beneficial, While others have the opinion that it would be essential if they upgrade
In the current age, where people's lives are playing a significant role in our lives. But in the meantime, whether some people spend most of their lives in their hometown has sparked much debate. Some people believe that
It is very common for many individuals to live in the same city where they spend most of their time since their childhood. There are a plethora of reasons associated with the above-mentioned notion but the first and fore
In this era, many people decided to settle down their lives in the hometown where they grow up. There are many different reasons behind this decision. In this essay, I will describe some objectives for this and explore t
In recent decades it is been observed that people are immigrating to a new place from where they are born and brought up. But also most of them tried make it up by not shifting to a far distance rather than living in clo
Some individuals are willing to reside for a long time at their birthplaces because of their deep emotions for their families. The main benefit is that people can get large support by staying with their close relations ,
In the past, it was very difficult to have access to information, but now information about different cities or countries is well distributed. There are people that are born at a neighboarhood and spend their whole lifes
Much of people’s identity are provided by the place of born. Costumes and idioms, for example, are things that are particularly from some areas. Probably it is because of this that people may spend most part of their lif
Numerous individuals like to continue their life in their hometown while others like to move to some different city and start life fresh. Various reasons are there because of which a person wants to move from one state
Some humans have used to settle nearby their parent's house due to various reasons. One main reason for this might be safety and security. However, this will have both pros and cons which will be discussed in the below
In this fast changing world, most of the people try to push their boundaries and explore new things in life. Nowadays, many folks try to migrate or move away from their home towns finding new opportunities. However some
Majority of times more and more people spent their lives near where they tak birth. Although, it is an adavantge also, they are more confortable, however, there is disadvantage, which is lack of knowledge of other places
There is a tendency among some people to stay close to their birthplace throughout their lives. Many factors such as fear of change and not having enough financial resources to move, contribute to this matter. Although t
The importance of the place where person born was always debatable and has now become more controversial. Numerous types of reasons behind that. In my, opinion it is beneficial for such as cultural and traditional ways.
In the modern era, traveling from a place to another has become more easy, faster and cheaper, and the same we can state about learning about different cities and countries or even looking for a new job or career. Althou
Our birthplace has always been a nostalgic place for all of us. Numerous people tend to stick to it and never leave or live nearby. In this essay, I will elaborate further on the valid cause for that and the benefits and
In recent times, people migrations between the states and nations have been increased to empower their life. However, few persons are preferring to spend their life time in home town or near to it. The emotional reason b
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