The community think that the metropolis is the best place to stay while others believe that the surroundings are the better place. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of the urban area and try to give a conclusion.
Nowadays, many people claims that cities are the best habitat to live while others prefer to live in the garden cities, both aspect have their benifits and unfavorable. From my point of views, living in the cities are th
Thesedays, many people are quite concerned about choosing a place to their own life. Certain like to live in countryside area, while other prefer to live in the cities center. In this essay, I will show the advantages an
Some public think living in urban is the best place to live but other public have different think that living in rural is better. The writer will talk about two problems and talk about my own opinion.
It is debated that it is perfect to live in cities, whereas other people are passionate about living in the countryside. This essay discusses both views and suggests that it is worth living in the countryside because of
Living in urban or rural areas is a difficult issue for communities. It is the opinion of this writer that it is favorable to live in the old-styled suburbs rather than the modern metropolis due to environmental problems
At present, more and more individuals opt to live in large cities, while others prefer to live in rural areas. I am more inclined toward the latter view and will explain the reasons in the following paragraph.
The majority of people believe that cities are worth to live while some think the countryside is better. I contend that cities are the best place because of their quality and job opportunities.
With the rising population of the world, there is a discussion about where is the best place to build a home, in the urban or the rural areas. Though both the sentiments are justifications, this essay supports the second
No one can deny that the city is the field where it can have many opportunities to get jobs easily, it also has many other benefits that we live in there and the countryside is the area, where we were born, has many mem
Some people think that it is the most appropriate to live in the cities. However, there are still people argue that countryside is a best place to live. Therefore, I will introduce my opinion about both views.
A discussion about living in the cities and living in the rural areas is the best. This writes will show the pros and the cons of those views and give my own opinion below.
In recent years, many residents believe that living in cities is the best, while others prefer to live in the countryside. Although, it is the opinion of the writer that life in cities have much more benefits than the li
A controversial discussion point is whether urban places provide better dwellings than rural areas. Personally, due to the adequate quality and quantity of facilities, the writer believes that urban areas are a superior
It is assumed by some individuals that municipalities are the best area to dwell. While suburbs are being claimed to be better to occupy by those remainings. Personally, this writer is inclined to the latter statement as
It is argued that whether cities or countryside are more worth living. Despite this writer contending that living in countryside has more advantages such as cheaper cost of living and less pollution, some individuals bel
In this day and age, some individuals consider to live in the urban area than live dwell in the suburban. In this essay, I would discuss both of these views, and in my point of view I’m more inclined to agree with this v
It is argued that whether cities or countryside are more worth living. Despite this writer contending that living in the countryside has more advantages such as a cheaper cost of living and less pollution, some individua
There is a controversial discussion about a majority of citizens assuming that municipalities are regarded as the optimum accommodation, while others prioritising the countryside as the best living condition. In this ess