IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a fact that several higher education students find literature tedious and unessential. For the perspective of the writer, the primary cause for this is come from the poor teacher systems but it has many benefici
It is clear that our high school education system not only focuses on science but also arts. While some groups believe that studying literature is not as important as other subjects, I totally disagree with this statemen
Literature is an aspect of the English language. It is a special highlight of skilful communication. The study of literature has generated some concerns. A group suggests high school students should be made to learn the
People have differing views with regard to the question of how necessary for children to study literature. While some argue that students should study literature from all nations in the world, I believe that children jus
In recent years, there has been a common belief among some individuals claiming that for graduate students, being educated in subjective majors like novels or poems is no more than wasting their time. While I personally
Literature has a great influence on our moral values, cultural awareness, perception of other people and our range of interests. Thus, some people suppose that it is essential to read and understand the writings of their
Whether the literature subjects should be removed from high schools or not is a debatable question. In fact, people have contrasting views on this. While proponents argue that it is a waste of time, others think the oppo
Some people hold the belief that there is no sense to learn literature like novels and poems for students of high school. I can not agree with this idea. In my point of view, the importance of learning literature sho
The advancement and prosperity have always been tied with science and math throughout the passing centuries. It is often believed that teaching poems and novels at schools are useless and unbeneficial for pupils. This es
The phenomenon of more and more high school students consider Literature not suitable for the modern world has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I t
Nowadays, many countries emphasise secondary and high schools to study literature not only from their home country but also from all around the globe. This is because these stories and publications assist students in var
A wide range of education courses exist wherein numerous fields may be taught. One question still remains: is literature really useful for young adults going to high school ? We are going to see the benefits and the reve
Studying literature, such as novels and poems could be a waste of time or not depending on the person. The reality is, a different students might have different interests and goals to pursue. So, learning literature migh
A section of society asserted that learning literature such novels and poems by high school-goers it's waste of time.because they believed students also can learn literature after graduation l. I completely disagree wi
A section of society asserted that, to learn literature such novel and poems by high school-geors it's wastage of time.because, they believed students also can learn literature after the graduation l. I completely disagr
Some people get hold of the idea that students in high school are required to learn the literature in their own nation, while others consider that learning more foreign literature is more important. Personally, I think
Most high schools force students to lern novels and poetry for fluncy. These textbooks not only improve students' speaking and writing skills, but also help any student to develop proper personal valed. I think that text
There is some opposition against studying literature who thinks that it is much waste of time subject in high school. I totally dispute with this opinion, which I believe that, not only reading and writing and articles c
There is some objection against studying literature who thinks that it is a waste of life subject in high school.I totally disagree with this opinion,I believe that not only reading or writing novels and poems could imp
There is some objection against studying literature who thinks that it is a waste of time subject in high school.I totally disagree with this opinion,I believe that not only reading or writing novels and poems could impr
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