IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the present, climate change has become the concerned issue in various countries, and it also brings impacts to business and enterprise. However, some think that this problem can become good opportunities to run the bu
There are different opinions about climate change's negative and positive impacts on business. While some people, like me, believe that it causes dire consequences for business, others disagree. There are valid opinions
It is argued that climate change has disadvantages on business, yet the opponents consider it as a transformation for new business opportunities. In my opinion, climate change indeed creates a new future.
Climate change's impact on employment is a topic of growing concern. While some argue that it may pose threats, others see potential opportunities. This essay delves into both perspectives regarding the effects of temper
Climate change has been a topic of debate in recent years. Although it is sometimes thought that the climate change crisis impacts businesses negatively, other people believe that more business opportunities would be pro
Nowadays, the issues of global climate changes has been increased which is directly effect on business. Some people argue that variation in weather conditions might cause of irreversible to damage the business. while, in
The issue of whether the global climate will have an adverse effect on the business entity has generated mixed views in recent years. Some people argue that variation in weather conditions might cause irreversible damage
Climate is intimately linked to almost everything we do in our society.Nowadays, along with visible effects in nature, climate change imposes all enterprises to undergo the transformation to avoid going extinct.
The World has been suffered from climate change for a long time. Significantly, numerous jobs have challenges to survive against steadily changes in circumstances. However, new proficiencies were created in order to prov
Societies have been suffered the result of climate change. Significantly, not just environmental conditions influenced but also numerous types of the works have been affected by overusing of it.
Admittedly,people who have a divergent outlook towards interchanging weather could have a pessimistic effect on work.Some are fascinated by it,while others are apprehensive with regards it having an optimistic effect on
Until recently,there have been enormous changes in the way people's business are affected by surrounding environmental changes.However, a significant number of people deems that such transfer might lead to few detrimenta
Many people reveal their opinions about the negative effect of climate change that causes bad time in business. Meanwhile, others think this environment issues could lead to more creative opportunities in the business. A
Many people reveal their opinions about the negative effect of climate change that causes bad time in business. Meanwhile, others think this environment issues could lead more creative opportunities in the business. Acco
Many people reveals their opinions about the negative effect of climate change that causes the bad time in business. Meanwhile, others think this environment issues could lead more creative opportunities in the business.
Many individuals consider climatic changes detrimental to their business; however, others consider it as an opportunity to grow. In my opinion, climate change creates new work opportunities. Both the viewpoints are disc
It is considered by some individuals that ecological issue of climate change has a harmful impact on business development, while others say that given problem open new capabilities for this. Although the government would
It is believed that climate change can cause negative effect on business in some ways while others think that there are some benefits for business. This essay will discuss both views and give my opinion on the matter.
The proponents of the view that climate change could be harmful to business may believe that the increasing frequency of extreme weather events occurring as a result of climate change, such as drought, flood, earthquake,
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