IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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there is a current debate surrounding whether tourism is one of the culprits in destroying cultural traditions. however, others think that this industry is the only way to preserve them. personally, I hold the belief tha
The use of cultural traditions as money-making attractions for tourists is a contentious issue, with some arguing that it can lead to the destruction of these traditions, while others believe it is the only way to preser
Traditional cultures are increasily being used to upgrad the local tourism.Some People support this view as they believe that their local culture can be shown to the world in this way.However,other people argue that maki
There has been an ongoing debate about whether culture should be used to promote travel. For some, these actions could completely demolish a nation’s historical values while others strongly believe in their profitable ou
There has been an ongoing debate about whether heritage should be used to promote touristry. For some, these actions could completely demolish a country’s historical values while others strongly believe in their profitab
No one can deny that a trip to a remote destination away from one’s everyday life and culture is an exciting experience for the traveller, but its negative impact on the local culture and traditions cannot be ignored.
Some argue that changing cultural traditions to attract tourists will destroy their original value, while others believe this tendency is vital to save those traditions from extinction. I will discuss both notions and ex
The have been numerous controversies in terms of utilizing cultural customs as a tool to monetize tourists. Some people believe that it is inevitable, while others claim that those practices will damage the traditions. T
Some argue that cultural traditions are ruined when they are used to make money from tourists. Others claim that using these practices as money-making ventures is the only way to save them. In my opinion, both views are
Recently, the debate on whether making cultural traditions a form of attracting tourists is beneficial has been heated. While some people argue that locals may lose their traditions if they become money-making attractio
The cultural traditions play significant role in people’s lives. Therefore, it is agreed that keep them is very important for everybody and first of all for the young generation. However, two opinions are existed about t
There has been a controversy about whether traditional festivals should be linked with money. I think, on the one hand, money can help to preserve these traditions, on the other hand, these traditions are ruined by money
Many people hold a view that the government's use of money-making attractions aimed at tourists contributes to the destruction of others, believing it is a way to save traditions. In this essay, I will elaborate on both
There is a heated debate that has been sparked all over the world. Some believe that the action that has been done to get tourists can destroy the traditional culture of the country. On the other hand, it is argued that
How can tourism affect cultural traditions? In our fast-paced modern world, the majority of countries try to develop touring sectors. However, there is an ongoing debate about what impact can tourism have on people’s cul
There is a heated debate that has been sparked all over the world. Some believe that the action that has done to get tourist's attraction can destory the traditional cullture of the country. On the other hand, it is argu
Traditional cultures are shared experiences that are transferred from generation to generation. People have varied opinions on the legend cultures and their existence. While some folk believes that it is ruined as a mone
Traditional culture are shared experiences that transferred from generation to generation. People have varied opinion on legand cultures. Which are ruined as a money making system. While some others think that it is the
Some people believe that exploiting national attractions as a tool to generate revenue from tourists will ruin the indigenous customs. Under the circumstances, others compete that there was the only way to preserve these
some people think that traditional culture can be destroyed by using it as money-making attractions to tourists. However, others believe that it is the only way to save traditions. discuss both the views and give our opi
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