IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In various parts of the world, many youngsters tend to purchase new fashionable items, clothes or choose different hairstyles based on the current fashion trend. There are numerous rationales that may be responsible for
Nowadays fashion is one of the major things people are concerned about. In many countries people tend to buy clothes or choose hairstyles according to the latest fashion. This is happening because of the need for the you
Poverty has become a major issue that most countries are facing in the present. Some individuals argue that economic development is important in order to reduce this problem, while others say that economic development is
Increasing globalization is making the world and its borders shrink, which is leading to multicultural awareness and sharing of resources. Many people believe that this rise of financial and cultural engagement among nat
The fashion industry has played a major role in influencing the globe. It has led individuals to purchase the latest clothes and follow the trendiest hairstyles in most of the nations. It is a positive development as fam
economic developement is necessary for the country development.but i disagree with the statement that it is a way to end poverty.i agree with the statement that it is causing huge damage to the vast amount resources ava
In this contemporary era, the world is changing rapidly and dramatically. Economic development is an important thing to counter some gigantic problems like poverty and unemployment in each and every nation. However, some
In the world we are freedom to make ours elections. The people need to be freedom about decistions around their lifes, one of them is about their apparience as a hair and clothes following the tendency. I consider has a
It is every governments dream to build an economical developed nation. Many believe that economic evolution is the only mean by which world poverty and hunger can be eradicated. Others claim that it has a severe effect o
People worldwide is following the latest fashion and are grooming themselves accordingly. I believe the easy availability of merchandise and advertising have made these revolutionary changes. It is definitely a positive
Worldwide people are following latest fashion and are grooming themselves accordingly. I believe easy availability of merchandise and advertising have made these revolutionary changes. It is definitely a positive trend b
It is believed that the international trade and cultural exchange between nations brings significant benefits for each side, while some others think that the tendency causes the loss of their traditional and cultural v
The pie chart demonstres therate of the avarage family food budget spending on home cooking meal and restaurant meal in the year 1970 to 2000, while the graph compares the number of food by fast food restaurant and sit-d
Nowadays, more students choose to study abroad than ever before. Though, studying oversea has benefits not only for the students, but for the government and their countries, it has some noticeable drawbacks.
It is irrefutable to say that economic growth is important for any nation and that help to reduce the poverty, but some people have different opinions and they think the rise in the expansion, consequently damaging the e
It is true that worldwide people are following the latest trends such as fashionable clothes and even hair styles. In the following paragraphs, reasons behind this phenomenon and its drawbacks will be discussed.
People nowadays are very interested to check the new styles and the latest fashion models to follow. Because it's very important in our generation to follow what is Going on else we will be strange for the others.
Inhabitants of various states are becoming mad to follow a modern style while selecting their attires or having a hair cut , fashion followers are equally reside all over the globe .In this essay I will try to analyse m
People are attracted than ever towards vogue and stylish trends. Internationally, there obsession with shopping and new haircuts as per the fashionable trends. I think this is a positive for clothe designers and hair sty
Economic development is becoming a subject of debate these days. While some believe that economical growth is essential in addressing poverty, others think that it should be stopped as it is causing the environmental dam
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