IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Friends play a crucial role in our lives, as we spend a great deal with them. For some individuals, it is better to communicate with someone who all the time has similar opinions rather than with the humankind who has a
Friends play a crucial role in our life, as we spend a great deal with them. For some individuals it is better to communicate with someone who all the time has the similar opinions rather than with the humankind who has
It is said that the best way to elect friends is to opt for a friend who mirrors your opinion .Others,believe that the best way to find a friend is not being in one mind with your frien.This essay is going to explore bot
It is undeniable that juveniles are easily susceptical by people in their surroundings. On this matter, some individuals think that their social circle influence on them more while others oppose that influences from pare
Friends are important people in our lives, and our friendship often defines what type of person we are. When it comes to choosing companions, there are contrasting views. Some believe our friends should always agree with
One school of thought holds that the Internet could bring a plethora of benefits for users, others believe that it could be harmful. This essay attempts to shed light on both the merits and demerits of this tendency befo
Due to the Internet has already become more convenient and advanced recently. As the devlopments of networks, the advantages and disadvanges are more which are compared to old decades. The information technology has expl
Some individuals hold an opinion that friends have greater influence on young generation whereas others claim that family and tutors have a stronger impact. I tend to support the first position and in this essay I will e
In an era characterized by complex, short but toxic human relations, friendships have become to be discussed. Some voices caution against the drawbacks of having the same kind of friends who have some perceptions, while
Some societies believe that the government can not develop the recession progressively and at the same point , they can not be friendly to the environment. Others believe that the authority can do both. I personally beli
There is an ongoing debate in the society these days where some opine that it's benefitial to have friends who share same intrests and hobbies. whilst others disagree and thinks different mindset and seprate opinion is n
According to some people are giving different kinds of gifts to their friends or family members because they show they.However other people think that there are many better ways to show we care .I will discuss both sides
In the era of digital technologies a lot of people are used to make new friends on the Internet. On the one hand, it is much easier to find like-minded people through social networks because they point information about
Children are the powerful assets of a nation . They are the pillar of the future . Children's are pliable and it is upto us to give them right direction and suitable environment to grow up . One of the most conspicuous t
Some believe it is best to have friends who share the same opinions, while others say it is better to have some who do not believe in the same matters. This essay discusses both sides and explains why I agree with the fi
Friends are one of the greatest asset to everyone. Despite being friends who have same opinion some say it is better to have friends with different opinion which will always be a never ending debate. Can anyone deny that
In this day and age, picking out companions who always have the matching beliefs or who sometimes do not see eye to eye with them is the topic to discuss. Personally, each side has its own pros. In the next paragraph, I
In contemporary society, finding good friends can be complicated. Some argue that it is essential to have friends who have similar viewpoints as them, while others are inclined towards the opposite view. This essay will
Friends play a crucial role in our life, as we spend a great deal of time with them. Some people claim that it is better to have friendship with those who share the same mindset, while others believe that making friend w
There is no doubt that friend play a vital role in everybody's life. However, while some people believe it is better to make friends with individuals who almost always agree with us , I would agree with people who argue
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