IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a group of people who think living in populated cities is dangerous, which I mostly agree with even though there are beneficial sides living in a big city.
In some people’s opinion the life in megapolises is unhealthy and living there harms their wellbeing. Although I admit that in big cities there are certainly a lot of transportation which exhausts fume and therefore poll
It is a common belief that living in a metropolitan is decreasing people's health. However, I firmly believe that vibrant city life gives us many more opportunities both mental and physical values.
It is common belief that living in metropolitan is decreasing people's heath. However I firmly believe that vibrant city life give us many more opportunities both mental and physical values.
Nowadays, it is believed that living in megacities has some negative impacts on human health. This essay will present some reasons why I am not partly convinced by this statement.
Nowadays, with the hug influx of individuals moving out from the countrysides to live in modren cities, a sparked debate regarding whether living in big cities is bad for people’s health, proponents believe it is related
In recent year, the topic of whether living in big cities will effect for people’s health. Many people believe that living in big cities is bad for people’s health. This essay disagree with this statement.
The issue of residence in mega cities which do harm to people’s health has heightened interest in the community. In my opinion, I do not side with this idea.
The issue of residing in metropolises which can have a negative influence on residens’ health has heightend people’s attention recently. While this statement is valid to some extent, I would contend that I partially do n
One prominent viewpoint suggests that residing in urban areas has an adverse effect on individuals’ health. From my observation, I consider myself an advocate of this statement.
In recent years, the issue of residing in urban areas which is not beneficial to people’s health has heightened the preference of people. From my point of view, I would not side with this phenomenon.
It is believed that living in major cities takes a heavy toll on people’s well-being. This essay completely agrees with this statement.
In recent years, the detrimental impact on people’s health when living in the metropolises has gained significant attention. From my perspective, although this concern is not valid to some extent I consider myself an adv
It is widely argued that urban living imposes detrimental effects on individuals' health. While acknowledging the accessibility of advanced medical facilities in cities, I staunchly concur with the notion that the advers
It has become increasingly common that existing in large cities is harmed for our health. By my reckoning, despite the undeniable benefits of living in urban areas, I believe that it also has certain drawbacks in town li
Many people hold the view that living in a metropolis is a bad choice for residents' health. While I think that the urban centers are the places with high development in therapy, I disagree with the view that living in c
Today, throwing garbages in public areas is one of the biggest environmental problem that needs to be coped with. Many people believe that declaring heavy fines for this action is the best solution. I strongly agree the
It is widely recognized that people who live in big cities are bad for their health. From my perspective, I agree the pollution in big cities can significantly affect respiratory health.
There is an opinion asserting that citizens' health are threatened by living a life in large cities. I agree fully wholeheartedly with this notion. This essay will explain reasons to support my idea.
Living in big cities has become a pervasive aspect of modern life, yet the impact on people's health remains a subject of debate. While some argue that residing in urban centers is detrimental to well-being, I disagree t
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