IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have two polarised ideas of whether classes should be designed by students’ learning capacity or all students should study together. The essay below aims to elaborate on both views of point before presenting why I
Many are of the opinion that schools should determine classes according to academic ability and distinguish stronger from weaker students. In my opinion, though this must be carefully managed, it is a logical proposal.
It has long been a subject of discussion whether schools should determine students according to their academic abilities or not. This essay will discuss both sides and then I will give my opinion that multiple-skilled cl
It has long been a subject of discussion whether students should be given priority on the basis of their academic abilities when being selected in school or whether students having various abilities are better. This essa
Schooling has always been a significant concern to parents. While there are people presuming that schools should only accept those whose aptitudes are in line with their particular majors, others assume that the mixture
On the one hand, allowing students to enrol in places that perfectly suit their competence means giving them opportunities to explore themselves to the maximum limit. This is due to the principle of concentration. The mo
Schooling has always been significant concern to parents. While there are people presuming that schools should only accept those whose aptitudes are in line with their particular majors, others assume that the mixture of
People have different views about whether schools should select students according to their abilities or different abilities students learn together. In my view, students with different abilities should attend the same s
Recently, there is a debate attracting the public to discuss that should schools can choose their students according to their abilities. While some people advocate that students with different abilities should learn toge
Many people argue that schools should put pupils into mixed classes, while others believe that students should be streamed into classes that are suitable for their capacity. There are valid arguments on both sides which
People hold widely differing views on whether schools should put their students into mixed-ability classes or stream them based on their academic abilities. Although it is true that mixing students with different abiliti
Many people argue that schools should put pupils into mixed classes, while others believe that students should be assigned to classes that are suitable for their capacity. There are valid arguments on both sides which I
It is an irrefutable fact that all pupils in a class have different abilities and skills. Thus, a segment of society is convinced that children should be divided based on their academic abilities. Others, however, believ
People have different views about the way to arrange classes for students appropriately. Some people advocate that placing the highest-achieving children in one cluster, the lowest in another, might create a stimulating
It is true that all children have different abilities and are unique. While some people argue that students at school should be divided into different groups based on their abilities, many others believe that children wi
The school education is an important factor for the learner's future . Some individuals believe that students with academic results should be in different classes from the ones who's achievements are lower , whereas othe
It is undeniable that educational institutes have been playing an incredible role to educate the students. There have been ongoing debates on whether the schools should choose learners according to their academic aptitud
It is undeniable that educational institutes have been playing an incredible role to educate the students. There have been ongoing debates whether school should choose learners according to their academic aptitudes or no
The concept of the school is changing and new theories about the optimal way to study and have results come up. In this essay, I will discuss the difference between having students with the same ability all in one class
It is rightly said that Education is the third eye of man .Thus, it is very important for students to receive quality education for a bright future. It is often debated that schools should admit students according to the
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