IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a belief that water delivery should be controlled by the public entities since it is scarce, while others disagree with this statement. In my opinion, I entirely agree that we should not limit the access to this
We value freshwater resources, and it is a dispensable part of our life. One contentious issue that often arises is whether it is essential to allow citizens to consume freshwater lean on their preferences or impose seve
because On the other hand, opponents of this idea might propose that To put in other words, they consider that Personally, I would argue in favor of seeing that For instance, In conclusion, although it is undeniable that
In our modern life, the majority of individuals prefer to use as much as fresh water while others point out that local government ought to control the utility of potable water since it is a non-refundable resource. In my
In our modern life, the majority of individuals prefer to use as much as fresh water while other point out that local government ouhgt to control the utility of potable water since it is non-refundable resource. In my po
Some individuals argue that they can freely use clear water for whatever they want. Meanwhile, others think that the practice of using this water should be controlled by the authorities. Even though people can access gro
Opinions are divided when it comes to the freedom to use freshwater by people. Many individuals believe they can assert the right of generous usage of freshwater, yet others argue that governments should impose strict co
Water is a vital factor in our lives. However, opinion varies among people, and some believe that they have the right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others argue that the use of fresh water should be cont
Opinion is largely divided when it comes to the problems of water supply. While some believe that it is their right to use water as they want, I advocate with those who support the government to propose strict regulation
Nature has blessed us abundance of natural resources for the survival of living beings. Preseny, some people assert that water is a significant natural resource but scarcity of water is a worrying concern. Thus, it is ne
In recent years, the phenomenon of wasting water is happening constantly. In contrast, few people are committing to a minimalist life such as saving as much water as they can. Although some people are against limiting th
A handful of individuals reckon that they have the right to consume water as much as they want; however, others deem that the regime ought to restrict in order to use of water for various purposes as it is a limited reso
Some individuals believe they have right to utilize as much fresh water as they desire, whereas others feel authorities should harshly control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. In my opinion, governments
Government should control and check the availability of basic resources to the people of nation. There is a need to define the policies and strategies for the sharing the desired items such as electricity, food, educatio
Opinions are divided as to the autonomy of the use of fresh water. While some claim there should be governmental management of freshwater supply, others argue people are entitled to use water accordingly. In general, I b
the hub of life, and the oris is of oun ishing freshwater uiesounces has also in beny severe Therefore, many people government should impose restulction Use of fresh water, where as some peop se the pestujaints on water
Compared to fifty years ago, human now could consume freshwater easily. However, most of people use this advantage unwisely, and others believe that the government should tackle this issue. This essay will discuss both v
Water is an essential-needed for human, animal and also with the environment. However, freshwater is rarely to be found since the particular factors such as water contamination. In this essay, both sides of the debate wi
There is an ongoing debate about whether the supply of fresh water should be highly regulated or should not be bounded by any rules. While laws may be perceived as attempts to limit freedom, I believe that corresponding
There are two different views on who should be responsible for fresh water, the public or the government. If the public use fresh water without the limitation of governments, it will provide convenience to people. Howev
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