IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Improving students’ knowledge has been the most important function of a university degree, which gives them ground for their professional development. While some people believe that workspace skills should be acquired du
It is a wide rage of people claim that universities should focus on graduates with various knowledge and essential skills for their future career. While others argue that the main reason for attending university is to
Knowledge and skills are important factors to consider for any student and they should be taught at the college level before they join any company for work. But many people argue that subject should be taught as per the
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of college. However, whether the university should teach more job skills in Morden life is a controversial issue. I agree with the view that the co
Education is the precursor to a better future so it is believed that universities should facilitate students with the knowledge and skills necessary for jobs.In contrast, others think that the real function of an educat
University is a place that plays a major role in an employer's training and education before he enters his practical field. It determines how much a man is capable of efficiently performing vital tasks at a workplace. So
To tell the truth, many students depend on university knowledge and skills and Some people think that university certification provides knowledge and skills only, but I disagree with them. I go to discuss the ideas stude
Nowadays, high education is very important in different countries. Also, people, around the world have discussions about what skills the new generation should learn in universities. Hence this essay will discuss this top
University has been serving people to develop their knowledge from the acicient.Recently it is argued by some thinkers of the society that this insitution should provide both knowledge and skill whih is required at
Some individuals believe that university courses should be aligned with the requirement in the job market, whereas others believe those causes should only provide knowledge regardless of its usefulness in the workplace.
There have always been challenging views on what the function of universities should be. Some people believe that a university is responsible for providing the necessary skills and techniques, which are needed in forthco
What could be the main purpose of universities has now been a debatable issue. Some believe that skills which are required at the workplace should be taught in institutions, while others argue that universities are place
In today’s world, the information and abilities provided by universities are debatably functional. Someone’s idea is higher education knowledge should work in practical life but others say the correct way is theoretical
It is the belief some think that providing the required knowledge and skills which will be useful in a workplace should be done by the universities whereas others think that providing knowledge disregarding the usefuln
It is hard to deny that the college should provide some knowledge for the courses. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that teaching the articles they are useful to employee or not. However, s
People have different opinions about whether colleges should give hand-on experiences and valuable insights to pupils or should focus only on their own benefits . Personally , I completely agree with the first view beca
Certain individuals opine that tertiary education should give students critical skills needed in society ,whereas, others think it is not the responsibility of the universities to do that. Instead, tertiary schools must
There is an ongoing discussion regarding how universities should give a piece of knowledge to their learners.A group of individuals claims that edifying institutions should boost the creativity of pupils in the manner wh
Few individuals think that universities should include the knowledge of the job in the courses. On the other hand, there are individuals who think the actual function of the university is to give the knowledge of its own
While many individuals believe that the principal university’s objective is proportionate to pupils the lessons and the abilities required in their jobs, others support that educational centres should teach no matter if
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