IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recently, the debate on whether universities should provide certain theories or practical skills has been heated. While some people claim that useful tips in the workplace should be taught, others argue that only access
There are two different views about the main responsibility of the university. On one hand, some people believe the university should prepare students for work. On the other hand, others have an opposite view and believe
Recently, the debate on whether universities should provide skills which are useful in the workplace has been heated. While some people argue that providing knowledge which is needed in the workplace is beneficial for te
Nowadays, students need to finish their degree, which seems that it is an undebatable topic. It is an interesting topic to elaborate my perspective on the main functions of a university that is truly given to students. L
Every year a lot all students are registered in different majors in the universities; those who finally enter the workplace area, and of course, need their knowledge of their related occupation. Therefore, some people th
Every year a lot all students are registered in different majors in the universities; those who finally enter the workplace area, and of course, need their knowledge of their related occupation. Therefore, some people t
Nowadays, the majority of the novel and modern science can be learned through universities and academic courses; however, there are two points of view regarding the manner of education; should colleges teach only the ess
Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the professional life of a person. There are some people who think that gaining knowledge in the same field always fetch fruitful results in future, while others opine it and be
One group of people consider that colleges can follow their syllabus with proficiency in technical skills. These things should require in industries. In contrast, some other people acknowledge that universities should pr
Universities are an essential part of our current world. However, the way they should apply knowledge to students is a controversial topic. While some believe it’s the place students should acquire the necessary skills n
The subjective knowledge and training provided by universities are major concerned for students. While one group suggest that the educational institute should take in consideration of graduate's future job, others argue
A college provides to access information about what students are studying. I believe that the academy should be given a theory of idea that in this way more benefits than demerits. Let me explain with a randomly 2 reaso
Seeking knowledge is gretefull , powerfull and significanse.But, what kind of knowledge poeple need ? and is it important for universities to teach rely on market and unimployment or for knowledge it self. I strongly
In actual work, people do not only use knowledge and hard skills for their job, but they also need other soft skills in order to complete their work. Therefore, it is argued that universities should not prepare their gra
Some individuals argue that college must teach and prepare students for their future work while others claim that the real function of a university is to provide the knowledge to their students ignoring if it will be use
The knowledge transfer method has always been a critical point in education. Some people advocate the idea that graduates should be provided with the major knowledge and skills helping them to be more confident in workin
The primary purpose of education is to prepare graduates for their future careers. While thousands of people would enrol for the sake of acquiring general knowledge and skills which will make them competitive in the job
In this contemporary day and ,age many universities are just focused on providing a degree with the cram knowledge of that particular subject.In my,opinion the college's main priorities should be to give skillfully know
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education. However, whether colleges should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused a heated deba
In the modern world, by raising the numbers of graduates and the importance of universities, some individuals believe that universities should supply graduates with the mastery and expertise needed in organizations. Howe
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