IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no denying the fact that min purpose of exchange international student is arguable. The question is what the advantages and disadvantages ,what will be the impact on education process.
Nowadays, the international student exchange program is a topic of discussion among teachers. Some believe that student exchange would be efficient for all teenagers whereas others disagree. This essay will provide enoug
One of the crucial developments in pedagogical systems of modern countries is international student exchange which brings about numerous pros as well as a few cons. I strongly reckon that its advantages outweigh the disa
After globalization, the international student exchange programs are increasing rapidly. Some teachers believe this action would be advantageous for all teenage academic pupils. I reckon, the benefits of collaboration an
International student exchange will be immensely fruitful for all school students, many teachers hold this notion while others discard this belief altogether by stating that it will cause more harm than good. In this ess
Some teachers reckon that there are a variety of benefits which school students can gain from exchanging. Although the idea can bring some advantages, I hold a belief that it is generally more harmful.
In contemporary times, we live in a globalised society, Hence it is important to have an exchange of different traditions, and cultural ideas, Therefore Some educational institutes want their students to reap the benefit
Many lecturers believe that the programme that allows foreign learners to visit schools might bring many benefits to young students. This essay agrees with the idea because foreign recruitment can help local youngsters t
In recent years, the popularity of international student exchange has increased. While some teachers say that this programme would benefit all teenage school students, others suggest it would not help at all. In this ess
Along with the development of technology and science, many people From all around the world has become connected. Exchanging students among the nations is so popular these days. Meanwhile, some teachers opine that studyi
The world will be safer and can be more developed if we produce a more educated workforce. Thus, it is thought by some teachers that foreigner tutee interchange would have more merits for all teen undergraduates. I agree
Teachers play an inevitable role in the student's life. So, globally swapping of the students have its pros and cons. There are for and against everything but I choose to look at the positives.
It is argued that students who want to study abroad in other educational institutions for a year or a semester can benefit a lot from a new experience. I am in favour of providing this amazing chance to students in the U
In recent days student exchange programs are well practised all around the world. Some teachers believe that it is advantageous for all adolescent school students, while others see drawbacks in this trend. In my opinion,
Few teachers across the globe believe that an international student exchange program would be a good idea and bring many advantages among younger students. I opine that it would definitely bring some benefits, but many d
Sporting activities make the world around us active. There are people who argue that games are more advantageous when played in teams, while others think that individual sports are better. This essay will discuss both vi
Most of the mentors go with the views that, treading trainee multinationly. Would be favorabe for all young learner. Inspite of having drawback like brain drain, its advantages overweight the disadvantage.
Nowadays, the popularity of exchange programs grows steadily. Thus, the question if there are more downsides than benefits in such programs, is incredibly relevant. But I assume that studying abroad in a host family give
Nowadays, the popularity of exchange programs grows steadily. Thus, the question if there are more downsides than benefits in such programs, is incredible relevant. But I assume that study abroad in host family gives you
Since the modern era has come, it is common to get an exchange student in the academy or be an exchange student. Both of these have provided benefits for the student, especially for those who be exchange students. From
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