IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A number of students at university are willing to add various subjects to their main subjects, whilst others reckon that dedicating all their time and attention is more crucial to studying for their qualification. While
Whether spending time on other subjects or giving all the time and attention to studying for only one qualification bears some consideration. This essay is to the side that agrees with the theory points out that learning
In modern society, focusing on a specific subject and accomplishing a bright achievement are treated as virtue. However, there is a more persuasive argument that some college students want to explore different subjects b
Some academic students are eager to have an experience in different topics besides their major. However, some individuals argue that students should spend whole time on their main subject.
Nowadays, university students hold varying opinions on studying additional subjects alongside their main subjects. While some argue for the educational enrichment of exploring other subjects, others prioritize a sole foc
There are ongoing debate where some college students argue that it is important to learn another subject in order to supplement their main subject, while other think that they have to devote all of their time to deepeni
There are ongoing debate where some college students argue that it is important to learn another subject in order to supplement their main subject, while the other think that they have to devote all of their time to deep
The debate between whether university students should engage in a broad spectrum of subjects or concentrate solely on their major has been a longstanding issue in academic discourse. While some argue for the benefits of
A number of university students are interested in taking optional courses beside their main ones. While the rest believe that all their time and attention should be spent focusing on what is primary. Variety knowledge wo
For many years majority of students' desire to study a broad university curriculum that covers various subjects and its opposition to the other group of leaners whose preferance lies in having a focused study on their ch
The question of wether university students should be assigned with extra courses or be confined in their only qualification has been the central topic of many ongoing debates, with many people believing that being exposs
In this era, the perspectives are divided into two significant views. Particularly, some college undergraduates insist that they should focus on different subjects besides primary ones whereas others claim that a qualifi
There are students in college who learn other materials outside their major to enrich their knowledge. While some people believe in that, other college students argue that people should pay attention to their major inste
There are students in college who learn other subjects outside their major to enrich their knowledges. While some people believe in that, other students argue that peple should pay attention in their major instead of lea
There is a common belief that students in university spend most of their time learning other texts moreover the main subjects. By contrast, others believe that using time and focus on studying to achieve a qualification
Nowadays, whether students acquire further fields apart from their core major is a matter of debate. Personally, I am convinced that achieving more knowledge in various fields is of the essence.
Growing interest in diverse subjects at university has been highlighted over the past decades. From this aspect, some opine that university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects b
Today, people worldwide seek to enhance their future lives by pursuing additional course programs outside of higher education, aiming to learn new information and make their lives easier.Some people believe that focusing
Growing interest in subjects in university has been highlighted over the past decades. From this aspect, some opine that university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects but other
It is thought by a selection of individuals that students in universities should learn and spend all of their time on compulsory subjects instead of additional ones. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before
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