The provided line graph illustrates the quantity of tourists who visited the Galapagos Islands from 2015 to 2022. The graph displays three lines, representing visitors staying on cruise ships (blue line), visitors stayin
The maps illustrate the changes made to a port between the year 2000 and the present day. Overall, the port has undergone significant modernization, with major additions such as a hotel, improved docking facilities, and
The pie charts illustrate the percentage of water used for three different activities in six continents across the globe. Overall, most of the regions used water for agricultural purposes, except for North America and Eu
The line graph and the bar chart illustrate the number of 3D screens globally and the same type of worldwide movies released, respectively. The annual data is presented in the period from 2005 to 2011 for screens and 201
The graph illustrates different processes for manufacturing black tea. At first sight, we can divide the development into two groups: the first group contains the traditional method and the second group involves the mode
A glance at the bar graph given illustrates the number of individuals who came to museums in London from 2007 to 2012. These museums were National Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum and British Museum. Based on an overa
The charts illustrate the type of new car trend that was brought by Australians in 1984, 1994 and 2014. In addition, there are two major types of cars that mostly consume, Sedan and SUV. In conclusion, although the trend
The map displays the development of Chorleywood from 1868 until 1994. Overall, there were many aspects growing, such as transportation and housing areas.