The bar chart below illlustrates the top ten coutries in production and consumption of electricity in the year 2014. Overall, there were ten nations compared by two categories. China had the highest indicators, meanwh
The bar chart represents information about ten different nations which used and produced the highest proportion of electricity in 2014. Overall, China stayed at the first place by consuming and manufacturing electricity
The given bar chart, which depicts in great detail, illustrates the comparison between the top ten countries such as China, the United States, Russia, Japan, India, Canada, France, Brazil, Germany and Korea, Rep for the
The following bar chart illustrates the countries that consumed and produced the most amount of electricity in 2014. At first glance, it is evident that the first two countries, China and USA, used and generated electric
The provided graph presents the amount of electricity produced and usage in 2014, comparing ten countries, which are China, The United States, Russia, Japan, India, Canada, France, Brazil, Germany and The Republic of Kor
The statistic provides information on the electric production and consumption of the leading countries in 2014. China and the United States are the two major contributors to electric production and consumption. China's e
As can be seen, the amount of electricity that was produced in China was 5398 billion kWh in 2014 while, In Brazil the amount of electricity that was produced was roughly 10 times lower than china in the same year. The U