IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie chart illustrates the percentage of workers in Australia based on their original nations in 2003. Additionally, the line graph demonstrates the trends of unemployed laborers in Australia according to their place
The pie graph gives information about the proportion of employees in Australia by where they were born. The line chart illustrates the unemployment rate in three groups of people from 1993 to 2003.
The pie chart illustrates 3 different workforce patterns by their birthplace in 2003, while the line graphs provide information about the unemployment rates from 1993 to 2003.
The given bar chart and line graph present three various groups of employees in Australia and the number of unemployed which from those groups between 1993 and 2003. Both contribution are provided in percentage.
Presented for consideration are a graph and chart illustrating the statistics about three different types of workers in 2003 and the unemployment rate in those communities between 1993 and 2003.
The given pie chart illustrates three categories of employees in Australia by place of birth in 2003. While the line graph shown the levels of unemployment within three groups throughout ten year from 1993 to 2003.
Contained in two bar charts is the information pertaining to the proportion of the workers who have age from 60 to 64 in four nations in both genders in 1970 and 2000. The data has been measured in percentage.
The pie chart and the line graph illustrate the figures of three kinds of employees in Australia and the unemployment rate within those brackets.
The pie graph displays information about the workforce in Australia based on their origin of birth in 2003, and the line graph illustrates the number of people who are not working depending on their place of birth betwe
The pie chart illustrates the percentage of the workers born in three different nationalities in the year 2003. On the other side, the line graph demonstrates the proportion of unemployed in Australia that were born fro
The chart and the graph illustrate the figures of three kinds of employees in Australia and the unemployment rate within those brackets.
The pie chart shows the percentage of people sorted by place of birth from the workforce in Australia in 2003 while the line graph depicts the percentage of unemployed people by place of birth in Australia from 1993 to
Contained in the pie chart is data pertaining to three types of employees in Australia. Additionally, the line graph provides dynamics for the proportion of three different joblessness groups from 1993 to 2003.
The given mixed chart illustrates the information about the three different kinds of workers in Australia and percentage of jobless peoples within those categories in the period of 10 years between 1993 and 2003.
The pie chart and line graph depicts the figure for three different types in London and the unemployment percentage of selected groups from 1993 to 2003.
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