The first chart depicts the average expenditure on children's sports each month by British parents while the second illustrates the number of children taking part in three sports in Britain at the same time.
The pie chart depit expenditures and revenue sources of a children's charity in the USA in one year. Overall, it is seen that food is the largest part of donated sources and the primary expenses of the charity is program
The line chart depicts information on the amount of expenditure on kid's sports in a month and the number of children who are interested in each section of sports. It can be split into two groups, parents' monthly paym
The given pie charts illustrate the amount of budgets which were collected from children's charities in the USA in 2016 and how they were consumed in the same year.
The charts illustrate the total amount of donations for children in the USA with the types of fund distribution and revenue sources in one year. Overall, the children's charity has a slightly higher income than the outco
The given line chart illustrates how much money Britishhouseholdsspenton their children's sportactivities ona monthly basis from 2008 to 2014. The second line chart compares children's attendancein 3 different sports in
The given line chart illustrates how much money british househould spent on their children's sport activities in a monthly basis from 2008 to 2014. The second line chart compares children's attendency in 3 different spor
The two pie charts denote incomes and outcomes a charity of children in the USA in one year. Overall, total of revenue sources is $53,561,580, and total of expenditures is %53,224,896.
The charts illustrate the total amount of donations for the children in the USA with the types of fund distribution and revenue sources in one year. Overall, the children's charity has a slightly higher income than the o
The line graphs illustrate data about the average monthly spending of British parents on the sports of their children, and also the number of participants in three different sports fields including Football, Athletics an
The graphs illustrate the amount of money that parents invested in their children's sports activities and make a comparison of the number of children joining different types of sports in British from 2008 to 2014.