The chart illustrates the number of graduate and postgraduate students in UK who did not go into full-time work after leaving college did in the year 2008. It is clear that both graduate and postgraduate students chose t
The bar chart gives information about the number of UK citizens who graduated from university and did not apply for full time jobs after graduating in 2008.
The bar graphs compare how many UK students worked at a part-time job, volunteed or continued their studies or even could not find a job after they graduated and postgraduated in 2008.
The given two bar graphs illustrate information about what the graduate and postgraduate students did after finishing their studies in university if they didn’t find a full-time job, in the year 2008.
The given two bar graphs illustrate information about what the graduate and postgraduate’s students did after finishing their studies in university if they didn’t find a full-time work, in the year of 2008.
The provided bar chart gives data on the United Kingdom graduate and postgraduate students on their destination after leaving college in 2008, namely part-time work, voluntary work, further study and unemployment . The u
The given bar charts illustrate the number of non-full-time workers who graduated and post-graduated from UK college in 2008. Students after leaving college went to four different paths comprised of part-time work, volun
The bar chart provides information about UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not into full-time effort after leaving college in the year 2008.
The chart illustrates the destinations of graduate and postgraduate students of UK in the year of 2008 who did not go into full-time job after leaving college.
The graphs illustrate the number of graduate and postgraduate students in the United Kingdom who did not work full-time after their graduation in 2008. Overall, its number was much higher for graduates than that for post
The line chart shows the quantity of recent graduates in the UK, while the bar chart gives information about their proportions in five different jobs occupied by them in 1992, 1997, and 2002.
The bar charts illustrate the status of UK graduate and postgraduate students after finishing their studies in 2008, rather than having a full-time job. Overall, it is clear that most of the students from both type of st
The bar graph illustrates the change that happened in the period 2008 among graduates and postgraduates later relieved from UK universities by excluding the full-time workers.
The given column charts illustrates what UK graduates and postgraduate students who did not attempt full-time work did after leaving college in 2008, It is clear that both graduate and postgraduate mostly preferred to d
The bar charts illustrate the number of graduate and postgraduate students in the UK who did not have full-time work after graduation in 2008. Overall, there were four activities that these students engaged in after leav
In this era, evidence shows schools allow children who are under 7 years of age to begin their formal education. It appears that some people argue that this phenomenon should not be happening. This essay attempts to shed