This pie chart illustrates the percentage of United Kingdom employment rate among men and women in 1998 and 2012. Overall, the proportions of workers remained about the same over the time period, with men constantly domi
The pie charts provide key information about the employment in UK classified by gender and type of work. The units are measured by the number of employees in thousands.
The presented pie charts compare data about the number and percentage of people from 4 various elements that worked in the UK at 2 different points of time namely, 1988 and 2012.
The pie charts compare the percentage of people, divided by gender, who are employed in the UK in 1988 and 2012. Overall, men who worked full-time had the biggest share among other categories in both years.
presented two pipe charts illustrating the digit of employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012. it has four types: men in full-time jobs, part-time staff for guys, full-time work for females and part-time work for ladies, fur
the two pie charts illustrate the UK workers with time in 1988 and 2012, Overall, meal workers (full-time) have the highest percentage and the number of workers in both years, Conversely, meal (part-time) workers have th
The pie charts illustrate information about occupation in one European country. Overall, the UK experienced different percentages during the period: men full-time showed a decreased percentage, while women showed an incr
The bar chart depicts the figure for employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012. It is clear from the information provided that the majority of people in the UK worked in a full-time job in both years, the male was much grea