IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a widespread belief, that due to tourism, English is the most spoken language worldwide and will supersede all other languages. In this essay, I will explore the benefits and demerits of this trend along with su
The globe of the world consists of 216 countries and hundreds of spoken languages. Nevertheless, English is known as the most popular language around the world. It naturally becomes a mother of language amongst others be
In this present ,world tourism is the paramount leisure activity undertaken by most humans who crave exploration and sightseeing. The tremendous focus has been provided to the travel industry by the majority of countr
The global development of tourism makes people in the world connect and link one each other. It is also contributed to the English as universal language that use for communication in the current condition. It makes peopl
Since travelling has become the most popular entertainment worldwide, tourism and tourists are widely spread to all countries of the planet. Obviously, it is a pleasant opportunity for English to be the most superlative
In the tourism industry, english is the most leading language to be spoken in the world. Many believes that due to this reason, someday English will become the only language which people prefer to speak globally. In my o
Due to tourism people of several countries are stepping out of their home countries and going to foreign countries to know different human cultures everywhere else which is why there is no denying in the fact that the wo
These days thanks to the popularity of holidaymaking, English turns into the most famous terminology around the world. But, this new trend leads to some concerns about the monopoly of English as a current language. Altho
In the last few centuries, English has risen to become the most spoken language on the planet. There are some concerns that in the future we will have a unique language. This essay will explore the advantages and disadva
Nowadays, English has become the most spoken language around the world, in part due to the development of tourism. Some people believe that in the future, English will be the only language spoken. I think this will have
The popularity of English has been viewed as the most significant consequence of tourism which is believed to become the sheer language that will be spoken all around the Earth. I believe having a single language has it
Nowadays, English has become the most spoken language around the world, in part due to the development of tourism. A large portion of individuals holds the opinion that in the future, English will be the only dialect spo
The tourism industry is one of the reasons why English has become the most famous language worldwide. Some people believe that because of this cause English will turn out to be the international language. This essay will
Tourism is becoming more and more popular and this has a large effect on the English language, if its fame continues to rise, some people believe that English would be the sole language in our world. This trend has both
In this modern era, English has become the globally acceptable and most spoken language, due to advancement of tourism. Some people claim that, this may result in English becoming the only language conversed worldwide. H
Nowadays, since the English language plays a vital role in tourism, individuals are more attitude towards that. Consequently, a group of people present the view that it would be utilized as a common language by the human
All around the world from the youngest years people are encouraged to learn English, so as to be able to communicate with every nation. Some people claim that in the future English would have become a native language for
Thanks to the enhanced tourism sector, English has become the most popular language in the world. It is commonly believed that this phenomenon will involve English becoming a single language to be spoken universally. Th
In this era of the rapid commute, people travel much often which makes English is the most common and widely spoken language. a sizable group claims that this will increase the popularity of English and more people will
Due to the increment of leisure travelling in recent years, English has become the most used language worldwide. It is thought that the outcome of this event will result in having only one language for the whole world. E
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