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Because of the English dialect, developed in the tourism sector can be seen nowadays. There is a belief that this would make the English language the only way to communicate globally. The following paragraphs will point
In today`s advanced world it is generally claimed that knowing English discloses enermous opportunity around the world. Since, technology, communication and worldwide stuff turn to this language. Such globalization accur
English is currently the most common language that is spoken worldwide. Some people believe that over time, it will be the only language used to communicate across the globe. The major advantage is the ease to learn whil
It is rather true that globalization and industrialisation has elevated the number of travellers, over the last few years. Eventually, the need for a common language around the globe has become impertinent. English, bei
The rise of tourism has played a major role in promoting English world-wide. It is thought by some people that this would eventually predominate English over other languages which would result in eventual disappearance o
There is no doubt that tourism is vital to the economic welfare of every nation. However, this is also causing English to become the most important language around the globe. A stratum of society believes that this is fo
There is no doubt that tourism is a vital aspect to the economic welfare of every nation. However, this is also causing English to become the most important language around the globe. A stratum of society believe that th
It is thought by some people that English, which is now widely used over the earth, will be the cause of other languages disappearance. However, having one language will be beneficial for increasing the economic growth a
There is no doubt that the English language has become important due to the growth of the travel industry. Some people believe that it will make English the general language around the world and in this essay, we will di
It is an irrefutable fact that due to the faster growth in the tourism sector, English has become the most spoken language in the world. Some people reckon that soon it will become the most dominant dialect around the gl
Currently, the English language is becoming more popular and vital than other tongues because it is accepted at an international level. So, due to the expansion of the tourism ,industry the English tongue is also trendin
It is thought by some that globalisation would cause languages disappear, leading to only one language spoken in the world. There are a few benefits as well as drawbacks to this development.
According to some people growth of tourism industries resulted English as a international language but some other people believes it will result in the progress of only one subjects instead of othersm In this assay I wil
With the rise in globalisation,Tourism industry made it simpler to travel across the globe and there is no doubt that english became preferred mode of communication because of majority of english native speakers. In this
It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken language in the world, may one day predominate over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance. Having one language wou
English is the most spoken language worldwide due to globalization and the development of tourism. Some people believe it will predominant other languages resulting in English being the only language spoken all around th
In the contemporary era, there is myriad speech in the world. Tourism is increasing trend day by day. Whenever society goes to any other homey mostly speak English because almost 85% know English. Some crowd think that,
Due to the rise in tourism ,English has become the most sorted out language around the globe.In this context, a set of individuals are believing that English shall become the one most spoken.This essay would discuss bot
The development of tourism has contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think that this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally.
Tourism is important factor to a country’s economy, which attracts people from all over the world. English has been considered/developed into the most important language in the world where a few sections of society o
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