IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The provided process diagram explains the different stages of purifying rainwater in order to make it suitable for drinking in an Australian city. water in order to make it suitable for drinking in an Australian city.
The provided process diagram explains the different stages of purifying rainwater in order to make it suitable for drinking in an Australian city.
There is a system for treatment of rain water in an Australian Town. It is a very practical system which starts with Rainwater falling down and being collected by a drain of each house of the village. When the water is c
The diagram illustrates how drinking water is produced in a town in Australia using collected rainwater. It requires a drain, water filter, storage, water treatment, and some chemicals.
The diagram illustrates by which rain water is processed before it is ready to be consumed by a certain citizen in Australia. In general, there are several stages involved in the process, started by collecting rainwater
The given diagram, illustrates the rain water harvesting in which water is collected and treated to be used as any drinkable liquid in an Asutralian town.
The diagram provides an information about how rainwater is collected and then becomes drinkable water after plenty of procedures in an Australian town.
This diagram illustrates the water collection and purification in an Australian town, the procedures from the collecting rain water and treated it to edible water. Overall, it is clear that there are five steps from wate
The illustration presents an overview of the key stage involved in the collection of rainwater and the manufacturing of rainwater in an Australian town. Overall there are three main steps namely preparation, processing a
The diagram demonstrates how rainwater is gathered and prepared for use as drinking water in a town in Australia and the various stages involved in making it suitable for drinking. Overall, this process involves three ma
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