The bar chart illustrates the mean hours per week of unpaid labor,such as looking after the children at home,house chores,and gardening done by married women and married men,without children,with 1-2 children,and with 3
A glimpse in a graph provided reveals that the avarage times that people do not reciewed money for work in the seperated groups, men and women. It is evidence that there are some causes suggested in the below graph.
The bar chart illustrates information about the average hours of unpaid work per week done by individuals in different categories. Overall, it can be seen that married women were higher hours than married men.
The bar chart illustrates the average proportion of the hours of work which are not paid every week, for three different categories, broken down by gender.
The bar chart provides information on the total unpaid hours of childcare workers a week, categorised into married women and men groups with some children.
The bar chart illustrates the number of average hours which married people in different 3 groups spent on doing chore in a week. Overall, it can be clearly seen from the chart that married women significantly spent more
The bar chart depicts the numbers of married men and married women who doing unpaid work cars for kids and chores, with three conditions without children, With 1-2 children, more than 3 children.Clear noticed that marrie
The supplied graph makes comparisons between married women and men in terms of the average hours spent on unpaid work such as childcare in the home, housework, and gardening.
The bar graph illustrates information about married men and women unpaid done throughout the week such as household chores, and taking care of their family. At first glance, it could be consider that the highest work was
The bar graph illustrates, the total number of non-profitable working hours finished by humans in a period of one week such as gardening, household chores and childcaring in the homes.
The bar chart depicts the weekly hours spent by married men and women on chores work. There are three different categories of people, the ones without children, with one or two children or with more than three.
The bart chart illustates about the comparison of avarage hours between people in marriage life that do voluntary works such as household activities per week. Overall, it is explaining that the number of women who do the